
Raasy Posts: 972 Member
I have just completed week #1 of my C25K training. I have to admit the first week was truly a butt kicker.. I am excited I have started the program, I have really wanted to start running for a long time, but always get discouraged at my lack of being able to progress further in the past.
After week #1 I feel good that I made if through the first week.. But i am really kind of terrified of moving into week #2 and week #3.. I am worried that I am not ready to move on, after all like I said before week #1 kicked my butt..

Has anyone else out there done this program and completed it successfully? What were your feelings throughout your progress? Did you have self doubt as well in the beginning?

I have told myself that I will move on to week #2 and I will see how I do. I know that I can go back and redo my previous workouts if needed, But I will only do that at the last resort. I still cant say that I am very confident with that decision though..


  • trin8ty75
    trin8ty75 Posts: 60 Member
    The program works!! so just trust it. I graduated last week and have moved onto the 10K trainer. Run when she says run and don't stop until she says stop. I doubted myself the first run of each new week, but once I conquered W5D3 I knew I could finish it. When I started my plan was to continue until failure-but i never failed because the program is designed to work
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I just bought running shoes ...
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Give it a go, and see how you do.
    I was always a useless runner, but c25k is great - I found myself terrified of each new week, but capable of meeting each new challenge. And if you do struggle, just take a small step back, but keep going.

    I recommend listening to awesome music while you run - the right beat can keep you going after your lungs/legs etc say stop. Jog.fm is a good place to start. Personally, I find Rancid songs really good to run to :)
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    go slower its not a sprint :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I did c25k. I stayed on whatever day/week I was on until I felt I could do it fairly comfortably. Needless to say, I repeated days/weeks a great deal.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I had to repeat a couple weeks but it is really manageable :)
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm about to start week 5, which is a point I never thought I would reach.
    Week 1 was sooo hard! But its surprising how quickly your body can adapt. I go slow, really slow. Sometimes I think I would go faster if I just walked, but I haven't repeated any weeks yet. I probably should have repeated week 4 and maybe I still will, but I'm looking foward to challenging myself. I have never before felt the sense of achievement I felt when I ran for 5 minutes without stopping :) .. You can do it!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You can do this. I did and I am not a runner. Are you running outdoors? That will add some intensity to your sessions. I trained on a treadmill and am just starting to run outdoors. It's very different and much harder to do.

    If you completed Week 1, you're ready for Week 2. Trust yourself and the program. Take it slow. When you think you can't possibly go slower, slow down. Any speed to make it through the run sessions is fast enough. You'll naturally pick up speed later on. For now, just make it through the training sessions.

    Keep us updated. You're doing really great.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Thanks everyone for the inspiration!! I did week #2 day 1 and it felt great to complete it.. I am actually looking forward to doing day 2.. It was hard and I kept trying to check the time.. so for day 2 I am going to cover up the time with my towel and change up my music a little bit to keep myself motivated..
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    You can do this. I did and I am not a runner. Are you running outdoors? That will add some intensity to your sessions. I trained on a treadmill and am just starting to run outdoors. It's very different and much harder to do.

    If you completed Week 1, you're ready for Week 2. Trust yourself and the program. Take it slow. When you think you can't possibly go slower, slow down. Any speed to make it through the run sessions is fast enough. You'll naturally pick up speed later on. For now, just make it through the training sessions.

    Keep us updated. You're doing really great.

    I am actually doing the training on a treadmill in my gym, its been way to hot where I live to go outside and do it and I don't trust my area to do my running/walking bright and early in the morning. Thanks for your comment though I look forward to being able to train outdoors but for now I am happy on the treadmill.. At least I have something to hold on to if I feel like I am going to die :tongue: