Kick Me...Please

I have lost my motivation to continue going....I have dropped 30+ lbs., would like to drop another 15 +/- but have found myself sitting comfortably at my current weight, I have maintained it for almost 1 month now. But I need a motivational kick in the you know where to get back into the workout mode to drop my remaining 15+/- lbs.


  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like and I will keep you motivated. What type of workouts are you doing? In your posting you stated you wanted to lose another 15 lbs. that's awesome.. It seems like you've been doing great so far, so let's get this going. I am currently doing Insanity and going into month 2. I will admit that it's been hard, but I'm looking at the whole picture. Where do I want to be? I can do this. If we set our goals nothing can stop us from reaching them, and it sounds like you have a plan. What have you done so far to get to this point? Are you bored with what you're doing? If so change it up and do something different, whether it's your workout, etc. Is the weather nice where you live that maybe you can change up your workout to possibly take it outside. For instance running, biking, etc. I find that in the nice weather I like to take my workouts outside to change it up. This may help get you in the workout mode. We can support and motivate one another so LET'S GO!!!!! Have a great day.
  • mblackburn731
    mblackburn731 Posts: 4 Member
    30+ lbs. is fantastic! I can't even make it 5 lbs. it seems! Ideally I would like to get down to 145-150, which is where I was before having my youngest daughter.....who is nine!!! This morning I am 169. I've decided to break it down into smaller goals and start tracking my calories and incorporating exercise, which I'm currently not doing. I want to tone up more than anything, especially my stomach area. I had someone comment to me last week "I didn't know you were with child!!!!" Of course I'm not and that was mortifying for me and I'm using that as my kickstart to get back on track. That's twice I've had that said to me in the past three years and I don't ever want to hear that again. I will be 40 July 31st and I would like be well on my way to a healthier lifestyle by then.
  • Mrsmorman
    Mrsmorman Posts: 29 Member
    Okay, are you willing to face facts here. Your diet is full of junk. I looked at your food diary back to April 30 and you are eatting progressively worse over time. Stop all the fast food (burgers pizza steak red lobster pie tiramisu Doritos potato chips etc etc). Add lots of Vegs fruit lean protein like baked or grilled chicken baked fish turkey.Healthier snacks exist like veggie chips special k chips and crackers sugar free pudding skinny cow ice cream and candy bars various 100 calorie snacks etc but in moderation still. You seem to be eatting out at lunch a lot, can you take lunch to work that way you can pack a healthy one. Exercise is great, keep it up but definitely work on the diet and I would bet you will start to drop weight again . Good luck and don't ever give up, the rewards are so worth the effort.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Only you can change this. Have the internal conversation, look at your goals, look at what you're doing, and change it. Or not. It is entirely up to YOU.