how did lowering your carbs work for you?

I'm currently 255 lbs. I am meeting with a nutritionalist in a few days. They are already warning me that I need to lower my carb intake and exercise more. They did not say low carb just lower carbs. What experiences have you had?


  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    I got down to what I weighed when I started high school. 160lbs. Though, I was super burnt out by the end of the week. I now cycle, for that extra energy. High carbs on the days I do the most exercise, and lowest on non-workout days
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Hhhmmm... Lowering my carbs messes me up. I need carbs for the type of activity I do. I have increased my proteins and fats ratio to carbs though which definitely has helped my performance.
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I naturally eat lower carb because I try to keep my protein high as I am trying to keep my muscle mass as I lose. Most days I hover around 150 carbs with some days going a lot lower and some days a lot higher. Most of my carbs come from fuits and veggies though. On the days they are a lot higher it's days I eat things like pasta or bread. I've done low carb diets before (like Atkins) and while I did lose a lot very fast, I ended up gaining a lot back. This was years ago when I was still young and dumb about eating healthy. IMO if you are getting enough protein it fills you up so you eat less carbs anyway. But if you are getting carbs from fruit and veggies they aren't bad anyway so no need to worry about them - the fiber in them is good for you.

    I'm sure others here will have better info for you though. :)
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I feel like lowering my carbs under 150 has helped me control my hunger.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    try to think of it as more protein, I increased my protein and fats, my carbs automatically went down so i could meet my calorie goal, or just simply wasn't as hungry for carbs as before.

    it's working out great. keeping muscle mass as I lose fat, while I weight train.
    I went from someone who needs to eat high fiber and is very hungry to
    someone who is much more satiated not just during meals, but through most
    days, i'm just much less dramatically hungry when i eat more than 100g of protein.
    resulting in making this plan feel relatively painless and easy to follow and sustain.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I lost 112 pounds and then I started eating a lot of carbs, weight went up fast +10 pounds
    I now am back to controlling the carbs and the weight is coming off again, slowly.
    For me carbs are very bad!
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i have insulin resistance pcos and lowering my carbs to 25% has done wonders for me i have less cravings and finally lose weight. All my carbs come from fruits, veggies and whole grain pretty much with an occasional slice of dark chocolate here and there.
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    Whenever I eat low carb I can control my hunger better. On the weekend I decided to add some carbs in, as I had done three weeks with hardly any. I had a bread roll, a couple of bowls of cereal and a few other bits and pieces over the course of the weekend, and I was was like I had hollow legs! Back to no bread, rice, pasta, etc today and although I have felt a bit hungry this evening, I am not looking to eat everything in sight!
  • floridapanthergirl
    floridapanthergirl Posts: 87 Member
    I started out at about the same weight you are: 252. Dropped the first 30 pounds just with calories and exercise, then got stuck and quit and gained back 10. Started MFP and went low carb, and am now free from cravings! and down to 208. I see a trainer every other week. She has helped a lot. My protein is at least half my body weight and I watch my fiber. Started at 100 carbs, then 60, now do between 20-30ish. It is no problem at all, (after the carb flue) and I feel great! The best part is no cravings. Exercise is very important. And weight training, eventually. How old are you and M or F? I have checked out the research on efficacy (those that stick with it and keep the weight off). The data is that those who log food, exercise, have group support and stay on maintenance for at least a year keep the weight off MUCH better. Feel free to add me if you like and good luck to you. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
  • KristaRox
    KristaRox Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on the keto diet (<20 carbs/day) for almost 6 weeks now and have dropped 23lbs. I'm rarely ever hungry, and I have very little cravings for "sweet stuff". So it's working out really well for me. On regular low-calorie diets I always felt like I was starving myself. Eating low carb/higher fat is working for me since I never feel the urge to snack or eat huge meals (and I naturally eat less calories this way).
  • Losing85
    Losing85 Posts: 26
    Thanks everyone. I need to lose a good amount of weight. I'm a female, 28 years old already with high cholesterol and other things. Im looking to lose weight and be healthy and continue the plan long-term. Just really nervous
  • Losing85
    Losing85 Posts: 26
    I've been on the keto diet (<20 carbs/day) for almost 6 weeks now and have dropped 23lbs. I'm rarely ever hungry, and I have very little cravings for "sweet stuff". So it's working out really well for me. On regular low-calorie diets I always felt like I was starving myself. Eating low carb/higher fat is working for me since I never feel the urge to snack or eat huge meals (and I naturally eat less calories this way).

    one of my biggest problems is that I love carbs and I always feel hungry and tired
  • Losing85
    Losing85 Posts: 26
    I started out at about the same weight you are: 252. Dropped the first 30 pounds just with calories and exercise, then got stuck and quit and gained back 10. Started MFP and went low carb, and am now free from cravings! and down to 208. I see a trainer every other week. She has helped a lot. My protein is at least half my body weight and I watch my fiber. Started at 100 carbs, then 60, now do between 20-30ish. It is no problem at all, (after the carb flue) and I feel great! The best part is no cravings. Exercise is very important. And weight training, eventually. How old are you and M or F? I have checked out the research on efficacy (those that stick with it and keep the weight off). The data is that those who log food, exercise, have group support and stay on maintenance for at least a year keep the weight off MUCH better. Feel free to add me if you like and good luck to you. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

    is it easy maintaining carb intake under 100? Do you have any high fiber snack ideas
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    Since i switched to lower carbs & increased protein I've noticed:

    -Less bloating & gas :blushing:
    -Crave less sugar & starch :love:
    -- Feel fuller for longer :happy:
    -Seem to be maintaining muscle mass while still eating at a calorie defect :drinker:
    -Better mood :smile:

    Good luck
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I had the same advice as I was overdosing on carbs, plenty of bread, potato, pasta, rice, all the not so healthy stuff. Cutting down (not low cal, just reduced processed carbs) and controlling calories at the same time has given me close to 3 lbs a week loss over the past 14 weeks or so.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I started Paleo last Wednesday at the suggestion of my PCP. so far I have lost weight and my cravings are not bad after the first three days. Last night I went to an event with my son and it was not hard to skip the cream puffs, donut holes, brownies, cookie bars, cupcakes and crackers. I just had some vegetables, fruit, meat slices and a couple of cheese cubes. It was not that hard. the only thing I am having trouble with is iceberg lettuce. Can hardly stand that stuff with out salt. Otherwise feeling good.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I eat lower carb, and have diabetes. I don't eat bread, pasta or white foods except, almond milk and Greek yogurt with less than 10 carbs per serving. I find I don't crave carbs if I keep them lower. I eat lots of veggies and some fruit. Really watch the fruit, also get some extra strips if you are testing and check after you eat different kinds of fruit. I can't eat watermelon, but I can eat cantaloupe. Berries are the best, for me. Talk to the nutritionist and tell them you want to try lower carb, not no carb, lower carb. A warning, if I eat bread or rice one day I feel like I'm starving the rest of the day and can't control my eating. So that's why I no longer eat that stuff, but that's me. Only you and the nutritionist can find what works for you.
  • Dree3
    Dree3 Posts: 54 Member
    I cut carbs a year ago and here's what happened:

    - Lost over 100lbs and counting
    - Blood pressure is great (110 / 73)
    - Bloodwork and cholesterol are perfect
    - Asthma went away after 20 years (though the weight loss is likely what caused that)
    - Have more energy, and I require less sleep
    - No longer hungry 24/7
    - No more heartburn or gas
    - Learned how to cook!
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    The only carbs that I eat are from fruits, vegetables, nuts and wholegrains. If I cut them out of my diet i'd probably die :laugh: