Working out calories for weights?

CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
APologies if done before - still new to this site!

I do a variety of weights on top of cardio since joining the gym. The machines you sit on and hand held dumbbells. I notice the exercise log doesn't show calories burned for these.

How do you even try to estimate the number burned?

Any help be great thanks!


  • I use a heart monitor which shows I'm still burning while lifting, but have heard there's no way to measure the actually calories for weight lifting.
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    ok - so can i only really take my cardio calories as what ive used or do people add in what they think and try to be realistic as possible?

    Been advised about really looking at all calories im eating and then amount used in gym. I do 400-500 cals cardio a night but i also use a variety of different weights for 20-30 mins after also.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I use an estimate for my calorie burn per hour of lifting and it seems to work. I created a custom exercise in the cardio section on MFP because the weight lifting section on MFP doesn't show calories burned. The best way is to use a heart rate monitor but I hate wearing them.