Coated tongue with weight loss?

I have probably lost a bit too much weight the past few weeks, and have been under my calorie goal daily. Not wise, I know, but I am trying to fit into a dress for my son's wedding. I have also used those strips for teeth whitening this past week.

Yesterday I noticed that the top of my tongue is completely coated in a tan color, and it does not scrape off.

Has anyone else had this problem? What did you do? I had my annual physical and a dental cleaning within the past 2 weeks, and no one mentioned my tongue. Actually, now that I think of it, I do not recall my physician looking into my mouth.

Thank you


  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    Don't have an answer sorry but I also often get a coating on my tongue and would be interested to know what causes it...
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    You might have bleached your tongue, lol. Do you find that you lick the strips a lot (even unintentionally) while you're wearing them? I can't use whitening strips because I have a tendency to swallow a lot while I'm wearing them, and developed a nasty persistent cough from the whitening agent. There are probably other side effects. Maybe you could look up that particular product and see if other people have had the same problem?
  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74
    You might have bleached your tongue, lol. Do you find that you lick the strips a lot (even unintentionally) while you're wearing them? I can't use whitening strips because I have a tendency to swallow a lot while I'm wearing them, and developed a nasty persistent cough from the whitening agent. There are probably other side effects. Maybe you could look up that particular product and see if other people have had the same problem?

    Good idea. Checked the web and cannot find it listed as a side effect. Might try to call them. Thanks
  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74

    Will look into that as well. I have been under an unbelievable amount of stress, to the point where I can feel it physically, and am probably vulnerable. Thanks