Big booty mission & toned hour glass body....

:bigsmile: I want a BIG butt and I Cannot Lie( Yeah I'm serious because a nice round toned Botty looks better in everything!)
....Getting my pre babies and bikini body back NOW!

I'm not a big girl by any means, I'm kind of tiny with an athletic body, but i also have grown a decent layer of marsh mellow fluff. Right now I fluctuate between 118-120 and this is a great weight for some, but for my own personal preference and what I use to be all the time it doesn't feel or look good on me(Especially for the fact that I WILL make myself compete in a bikini show this Sept.)

SOOOoo I'm doing this. Today I started off with Kit Kats and coffee that is lighter than my office walls loaded with cream. Re Focusing now! I'm not going to be my own reason for failure, but for succeeding :)

So if anyone wants to join me or has any similar goals please add me so we can do this together.