P90x For the average guy?

So I've started my diet and working out, and have lost 15 of the 30 pounds I'm looking to lose. I just recently receive a copy of the P90x videos, and wanted to know if an average guy who probably isn't in the best shape could do these?

Do I need to start only on a few of them (cardio ones), and then move up?

Does the core and abs videos target love handles and will it firm me up?

Should I just stick with walking / running every day until I lose my extra 15 pounds then look at P90x?

Any help here would be much appreciated as I want to get into shape and get healthy!


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The following comes from an average girl:

    The videos can be for anyone. I use them almost everyday and even though I still can't do everything to the level of the people in the video, I do as much as I can. I know I've gotten much stronger and have increased my endurance as well.

    If I were you, I'd do them all to the best of your ability and someday (I'm still working towards this goal), you'll be able to complete the full videos as well.

    The ab vids are great (very difficult for me) but they won't target your love handles. Only because no exercise can target any bit of your body. The handles will go away as the weight does (which the videos can help you get to since their calorie burns are pretty intense).

    I still walk/jog almost everyday in addition to the videos so if you have the time, keep doing what you're doing now in addition to P90X. The walking/running is great but P90X will definitely help you keep the muscle mass you have now instead of losing it like you can with pure cardio.

    *I feel like a sales rep after this post*

    Hope this help.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I personally have not done them but from what Ive read do the best you can and you will continue to improve.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    They will be hard, but do what you can. My brother is just past 30 days in and he's lost 12 lbs. I'd consider him your every day average guy. It kicked his butt, but he's losing weight and getting better.
  • ddzubow
    ddzubow Posts: 65 Member
    The program is meant to help everyone. Just do it to your best ability and concentrate on improving week-to-week.
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    Yes. Do it. I am on day 37 of Classic. Love it.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Yes do it! I started at 314 pounds. It's not easy but so worth the ride!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You can do them whatever fitness level you are at. All of the moves can be modified if needed, and with most of the more difficult ones, you are shown how to modify them in the video.

    I wasn't super overweight when I started P90X, but I was very out of shape anyway. I concentrated on doing what I could personally do, and I progressively increased each week and got better every time I did the workouts. That's the whole point of any workout, anyway.