Kiwi's Weekly Weigh In - Week 5

Hi All

Well its been a pretty dull week for me, I havent done any dedicated exercise last week (due to being sick) and so far this week, its poured with rain and I have been working late.
Next week I am off to Palmy so that will disrupt my routine also.

Weighing in at 87.7 this morning. So not bad, Only a 200gm gain since last time.

Am still trying to keep my eating right. Have changed my diary from breakfast, morning tea etc to set times 6am - 10am etc so that I can see when I am doing my most eating and what I am consuming to hopefully break it down a bit.


  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Managed to get my 1.7kg fluid gain back to a 0.6kg fluid gain over the course of yesterday.
    So unknown loss this week. May weigh again tomorrow for interest's sake and see if I have managed to flush any more of it out. my rings are still tight.
    Not too bothered if no loss though I have had 2 good weeks recently WELL over my 1/2lb goal.

    I put a 'shouldn't have eaten that' category in my diary.
    Its helpful to distinguish good snacks (and i count my row of dark choc as a good snack so long as I don't go over that 25g as I generally don't snack on much else) from just eating junk LOL
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Yeesh, it has been miserable this week, I agree--I'm lucky Zumba is indoors. Been thinking about adding better weight training and wondering if a gym is a good idea.

    Last week: 69.4kg
    This week: 68.3kg
    That's a bucketload more loss than my deficit predicts, so I guess it's just my body balancing out. Although I suspect my body's calorie burn is a bit higher than MFP predicts because I've got an average of 1lb per week loss on an average 0.7lbs per week deficit over the 5 months I've been here. I suppose I'm not entirely sedentary. Anyway.

    Anyway, I've added 50cals to my base this week and I'll do that until I reach maintenance level (or figure out where maintenance is). I'm a little apprenhensive about maintenance, but I'm hoping I'll do better this time around than putting it all back on again like last time! That's probably why I'm scared of the M word!!

    I know I eat most of my calories before 1pm, but I feel much hungrier earlier in the day than later. It's always a challenge to back off from the frozen yogurt in the evenings, though.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Yeah *most* people are actually lightly active. Sedentary cals on here seems to be BMR x 1.2 which is the factor for truly sedentary individuals, eg invalids like old folks who get looked after and wheeled around and only have to sit up and be awake and alive.
    The general desk-job, basic household chores and light walking around at home and work, watching tv at night population should be using a factor of around 1.375.
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hey all

    Well now instead of bouncing between 70.5 and 71.7 I'm bouncing around between 69.7 and 70.5 so I guess that's an improvement? Up from last week by about .5 a kg, and back in the 70's at 70.25 :( I've been failing on water and on treats, though I definitely don't think I've eaten enough to actually gain 1/2 a kg.

    I think the problem is that I'm so close to my goal that I've already mentally shifted into maintenance / being lazy / eating things when I want maybe I need to get back into a more 'still trying to lose weight' mentality!

    I'm going to Melbourne for a dance weekend not this weekend but next and we're competing so I've also been holding back on the exercise a bit as I am learning aerials with my sister 3x weekly so don't want to wear myself out before throwing her around. So maybe I let myself off the hook a little pre-Melbourne and then once I'm back and don't have to worry about staying not-sore, I can kick the exercise back into gear!

    Congrats to all for losing, staying pretty much the same and for sticking to it! Especially in the crapness of the weather!
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    I did something dramatic a few days ago. I stopped counting calories. eep! Yes, that's right, I've given up what lost me the 7kgs on Feb March because it stopped working. I was still eating when I wasn't hungry, because I was obsessed with the calorie count number.

    SW: 93.3 kg
    last week 86.4
    CW: 85.9
    down half a kilo from last week!

    And it works! I'm reading the Paul McKenna book "I can make you thin" and listening to his hypnosis CDs. Seems a bit wacky at first, but I'm seeing results and I'm not obsessing over it. It's intuitive eating, listening to what your body is asking for. It's all about eating when you're hungry, and stopping when you're full. And exercising. :) We'll see how it progresses, but I broke into the 85s so that is a start!
  • jimjamjandles
    Well done Betzy!!
    I will be interested to see how you go - have you started blogging this?
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    Actually.... My friend in the UK and I have started a blog about it. We are both contributing. She said one day that she was now "doing Paul McKenna" and I was thinking wooo woooo is he hot?? ha ha So our blog is:

    Only a couple entries so far, but I think I'll blog again today about this burrito I ate - ha ha.