Hidy ya'll

Sorry I haven't introduced myself sooner. I joined myfitnesspal in March but I had begun dieting back in January. The main reason I joined was because I was beginning to plateau in my diet. Since joining my weight loss has increased except for the days i forget to login. I'm 24 and am working on my masters degree in behavioral science. I began dieting because of health reasons. I'm insulin resistant and have polycystic ovarian syndrome and weight loss can help me reverse the insulin resistance. My father is also a type 2 diabetic so I want to decrease my chance of becoming one as well. There is also heart disease in my family so I better to learn how to eat right now so that I save my self in the long run. As of May 6th I had lost a total of 56 lbs and 25.25 inches. I have gone from a size 18/20 to 9/10 the smallest I have ever been I don't ever remember wearing that even in junior high. I am 37 pounds away from my goal weight and couldn't be happier that I made the decision to make a life style change and become healthy.


  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    wow, that is a fantastic weight loss you have achieved. your head and your heart are in the right place to change things.

    you can do this, you know you can!!

    i'll send you a friend request