Insanity Meals On The Go

I just started Insanity yesterday with the fit test. On Thursday I am taking my mom into the hospital for surgery to remove a ruptured disk. So I will be at the hospital from 5:30 am - no idea when maybe mid-afternoon/early evening. I am still going to work out whenever I get home because I am not going to skip a work out. But considering I have all day at the hospital, no fridge.....i'm at a loss to how to plan my meals for the day. Any help on some meal ideas for the day would be appreciated.

Insanity's meal plan is 40% protein/40% carbs/20% fat...but I will take any meal suggestions and change them up some if needed :)

I eat about 5 meals a day broken down into about 300-400 calories each.

Thanks :)


  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your Mom for her surgery. Ok - now to plan for "you" .
    Can you take a small cooler bag? Take a back pack with foods that do not have to be refrigerated. Check with the hospital ( call) - there may be a small refridgerator in one of the waiting areas. (there is at our hospital) Check the hospital cafeterai - if it has one. call ahead and find out what foods are being served and/or avaialble that day. Planning goes a long way.
    if you do fall off the wagon - do nto beat yourself up. The first and most important person that day is your Mom.
  • KDuckGirl
    KDuckGirl Posts: 32
    I did the fit test last week and my calves have JUST NOW recovered. those high jumps killed me! So last year my younger brother was in the hospital because of a serious car accident and to my pleasure, the hospital cafeteria had a KILLER salad bar! Make sure you check out the cafeteria or google the hospital to find out because you might be pleasantly surprised. I thought i was gaining weight from eating all those salad bar salads during the time he was in the hospital but I lost a lot of weight then. At least bring a protein shake meal replacement to drink for breakfast on the way there. Most hospitals accommodate family members that have to stick around for long periods of time so no worries!

    I always have a long day of work or class so I buy those 100 calorie almond packs with me or pack a baggy of carrots and hummus to dip them in :) I know a lot of people who like to keep a kashi bar or fiber one bar handy through the day also. anything high in protein or fiber is going to be the best choice.

    Good Luck and I hope your moms surgery goes successfully! My dad had the same surgery!