Low blood pressure and dieting??

ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
I'm not sure if this fits under "general diet and weight loss"....

I went to see my doctor because I was getting dizzy and feeling lethargic. My doctor ran some tests and said I have a history of low blood pressure, which is normal for me. Unfortunately, when it goes down by even a few points, I can get dizzy. She said it might also have to do with me cutting calories (I went from 2500 to 1230). Before I dieted, I still had low blood pressure but I was not getting dizzy spells.

I still have about 12 pounds to go before I reach my goal... I'm not sure what to do. My doctor said eating 1230 is good for wanting to lose weight so she didn't think that cutting calories was the cause exactly and it's not vertigo.

I'm wondering... Does anyone else out there have low blood pressure and what's your diet like?


  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I do, and it only recently went diagnosed, because I had fainting spells and was taken to a doctor. She said I didn't eat enough, and that I was better off grazing rather than eating large meals, to keep my blood sugar and blood pressure stable. I can say for sure that some days, if I don't eat enough, I feel weak, so I've upped my caloric intake, as well as my level of exercise to match.

    Hey I have about the same left as you to lose-13 to be precise! :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,615 Member
    Mine is also usually on the low side of normal, but sometimes it is as low as,well today it was 93/59. That's pretty low. I was sent to the ER a few weeks ago for it falling into the 80s/40s. My sugar was only slightly low (84). Usually my pulse rate is fine, in the 70s, but that day it was only 48. I don't know if it has to do with the dieting, but my doctors don't want me to lose any more weight and one suggested that I increase my calories to 1800. My blood work came back normal, as electrolytes were fine and I'm not anemic. I began tracking potassium in my food diary, but wonder if I should increase salt. Usually, you would decrease sodium intake for high BP, so maybe increasing it would help for low BP? Both dr.'s and my nurse say to increase hydration.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I have been dealing with the exact same thing - low blood pressure and dizzy spells - sometimes I get dizzy while laying down and not moving!

    I eat 2000 calories per day so I know I am not under eating. I take multivitamins plus iron so I am pretty sure I am not anemic either. My specific dizzy symptoms, accoring to multiple reputable internet websites, is possibly caused by inner ear issues (laying flat, moving my head in a particular direction both causing the symptoms)...so either that or because of the low blood pressure. I have no idea how to fix it but it is driving me insane.

    I will watch this thread for info from others.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I suffer with the same thing also and the first doc told me to eat salt so on came the bacon rolls

    When it happened again recently I was told that was crap!

    I think the reason it happened this time was def from dehydration As I had stopped drinking water due to it making me nauseous, finding that to be my acid problem. I workout hard in spin class and wasn't replacing my sweat! So I def think its hydration. I eat about 2000 too
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Hydration is important for regulating blood pressure. Also, add some sodium. Not a lot, but throw an extra sprinke of salt on your food or whatever seasoning you like. I have high blood pressure and drastically cutting my sodium has helped. So maybe a little more salt will help the other way?

    Other 'hidden' high sodium foods are commercial breads and soups. If you're eating clean, then season things a little more.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    My doc recently switched me to a beta blocker for migraines, and also has me pushing salt and keeping hydrated because my blood pressure runs on the lower side, anyway. Good for a kidney patient, bad for a migraine patient who reacts even more poorly to other treatments!

    I find I naturally want to eat yogurt and fruit during the day, so I get really dizzy by dinner time. I feel fine after a giant plate of salty veggies and meat with teriyaki sauce. I might add a morning cup of broth to balance things out.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,615 Member
    Has anyone tried supplementing with niacin to help with BP? I read somewhere that it can help. My BP is still in the normal/low range, anywhere from 102/70 to my lowest reading last week was 81/58.
  • kordell70
    kordell70 Posts: 49 Member
    I have this issue as well. After researching the internet I learned that there is a condition known as post-prandial hypotension. What happens is that the blood pressure drops suddenly after eating a meal. In order for the digestive process to take place, more blood than is usually available in the stomach and intestines is necessary. So the body diverts the blood flow. Normally, the body compensates for this temporary "reduction" of blood volume by constricting the blood vessels and increasing the heart rate. In people with post-prandial hypotension things do not work this way. The blood vessels do not constrict and, as a result of that, the blood pressure falls. This sudden drop in blood pressure leaves some people dizzy or feeling unwell.

    This can be prevented, at least to a degree, by eating smaller meals slowly, avoiding alcohol and high carb foods.

    This was weird for me b/c prior to dieting and exercise I always had high blood pressure. However, now my BP is very low for what is my norm. Now I try to eat smaller meals throughout the day so less blood will be diverted. Also, you may wish to drink 12-18 oz of water before meals.

    Additional Information.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    As others have mentioned, try upping your salt intake. I have a long history of low blood pressure (it was only ever considered "normal" when I was obese...) and fainting. It started getting low again about a year ago. I now put a pinch of salt in my water so that I don't faint...
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I have this too (so many of us!). I think eating salt and carbs helps. I don't tend to eat a lot of carbs (or salt) unless I make a special effort and I've read that low carb will increase salt excretion. I usually feel better after a big plate of nachos. As a general rule.

    Also drinking too much water without added salt/electrolytes can actually dilute your sodium levels more.
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    I have low blood pressure and dizziness issues. Actually, I think it's why my weight loss has stalled for 4 years after some initial success - every time I'd try to diet again, it'd go well for a short time and then I'd get the dizzy spells and feel like I have to stop.

    I've just got my dizziness under control again, and am determined this time to lose weight slowly but surely. This time around I'm paying close attention to protein intake (I'm vegetarian and would love to be vegan, but I've really upped my egg intake which seems to be helping). I'm being careful to include beets, and deep green leafy veggies like kale and savoy cabbage. I'll probably also take some blackstrap molasses - all to keep the iron intake and folate intake good. I'm also trying to stick at around 1600-1700 ish (well, actually, I vary between 1500 and 2000), as that's when I felt best when I lost weight before. And I'm going to try to not go crazy with exercise. I've never tried to restrict salt, so I've just kept up with including some on my food if I don't have any processed food.

    Whether any of that will work, I don't know. But I've got to try something.

    It's probably best to work with your doctor to rule out if there's a reason for what's going on with you, of course.
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    I am currently under going test for low pressure.I went today to see a cardiologist..my BP was good today, I think partly I was nervous and the BP gadge hurt my arm..I think it shot it up to a normal range..Anyway on Sept.11, my BP was 89/54 and I must have fainted..I just know I fell in my kitchen floor and scared my hubby,,I was weak that whole day.I ended up going to the doctor that evening.They did an EKG and lots of lab..I go back Thursday of this week for results.I do have a history of Anemia.But today the Cardiologist has ordered an ultrasound of my heart next week..He told me to increase my exercise..drink plenty of water..not enough water can lower your BP..My calorie intake is around 1800..I was at a 1200..so I had to up it,,I wish you the best...
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    So glad I found this topic! I am going to see the cardiologist in less than 2 weeks for low blood pressure. I have been feeling dizzy and nauseous the past few weeks so I've almost completely stopped exercising, I still get in my daily walks but I've quit Insanity after almost passing out.

    I'm trying to get my diet under control and have found a lot of great suggestions.

    The smaller more frequent meals are tough because without the exercise i'm really counting my calories trying to stay around the 1300-1500 daily range.

    I've been reading a lot that people with low pressure are at-risk of developing a potassium deficiency, not sure how to combat this other than a bananas (not my favorite fruit).

    Please keep this topic alive.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    You might be interested in another recent thread on potassium.


    Apparently a lot of foods contain potassium but it can still be hard to get enough. Also hard to track here because it isn't listed in most things.

    Hope you get some answers from the cardiologist!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    My BP is normal at 90/60(3 large coffees and 2 smoke and its at "normal normal")...and I am only dizzy when I don't get enough water to drink...

    I am talking knees weak black out husband holding me dizzy.

    I keep hydrated this doesn't happen.

    As for potassium, potatoes, tomatoes etc are better then bananas. I watch my potassium so I have a list handy,
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks for all the potassium suggestions!

    I eat tomatoes all the time, so I'm glad to know I'm on the right track. The smaller more frequent meals have been helping. I've been eating something every 3 (waking) hours even if I'm not feeling hungry and have been feeling close to normal.