Alternatives to squats? Help!



  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    I've recently started doing that Brazil Butt Lift series of videos and while there are some squats he incorporates other moves to mix it up and make it seem less like work and more fun! Leg lifts on the floor are great to sculpt the inner and outer leg/glute area too :-)
  • LLStover09
    LLStover09 Posts: 49 Member
    Ugh, I am with you. Have had surgery on my left knee and lately have been having trouble with my right :( Getting very discouraged not being able to do squats or lunges without significant discomfort. I too am looking for alternatives.
    I really want to shape up my legs and butt a bit, but squats aren't going to be an option. I've been doing a lot of walking, but I don't know if that alone is going to do much for muscle definition.
    Am I alright just walking? Are there any good alternatives for squats?

    editing for more information: I've had four surgeries on my knees, and I likely currently have torn cartilage in my right knee.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    If u can do wall sits u can do wall squats. Also... lose fat, definition appears
  • BLBrinegar
    BLBrinegar Posts: 12
    I have knee problems from being a catcher for so many years. However I can do "empty" squats...with no weights, just pretending and going slow, or doing some wall sits. Doing walking lunges without weights was also helpful as well. Good luck!
  • BostonStrong617
    I feel like if squats aren't possible because of your knees, lunges would also be difficult. Especially because you do them on opposite legs so you'd be putting a lot of pressure on your bad knee. I'd think it's actually worse because in squats your weight is more evenly distributed.

    Are dead lifts an option? That's kind of an advanced thing, you'd need someone to teach you. Maybe you could pay for one session with a trainer and he can give you some ideas? Or she, I'm just saying he because my trainer happens to be a guy.

    For my legs day I do squats, but really that's not just a legs work out, more leg focused exercises apart of my routine are leg presses, leg extension, leg curl, calf extension & hip abductor. This work out was created for me by my trainer, as a part of a split routine. Minus the squats and lunges they're all done on machines as opposed to free weights which makes it easier to follow.
  • autumnrunning
    autumnrunning Posts: 103
    just google "leg lifts for butt", or whatever you want to train...
  • LibertyBelle89
    Are you able to do wall sits or leg lifts?

    i love wall sits....squats for some reason hurt my knees too so i do these in place of those sometimes & it doesnt give me an issue
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    walking alone wont help... BUT any lifting with torn cartilage in your knee can be dangerous! See your doctor. Would be best to get a diagnosis and proper medical treatment before you start adding any strength training.
  • bleedingdesu
    bleedingdesu Posts: 63 Member
    walking alone wont help... BUT any lifting with torn cartilage in your knee can be dangerous! See your doctor. Would be best to get a diagnosis and proper medical treatment before you start adding any strength training.
    I have seen my doctor, but he is really trying to hold off on operating again, because there's a pretty big chance at this point that any more procedures, big or small, will result in having to have it replaced, and he doesn't want to do a double knee replacement on a 19 year old.
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    Single leg bridges could help. Also, are you near a pool or have access to one? You could squat in the pool without much added pressure.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    walking alone wont help... BUT any lifting with torn cartilage in your knee can be dangerous! See your doctor. Would be best to get a diagnosis and proper medical treatment before you start adding any strength training.
    I have seen my doctor, but he is really trying to hold off on operating again, because there's a pretty big chance at this point that any more procedures, big or small, will result in having to have it replaced, and he doesn't want to do a double knee replacement on a 19 year old.

    i hear ya, but if you add strength training before taking care of your issues, you could cause even more damage. You should talk with your doctor again and see what you should and should not do before proceeding.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    Can you sit down in a chair without a problem? I have knee issues too, though not as bad as yours. I generally wear a knee brace if I am going to do things that put stress on my knees. But only then! Because your legs need to build up muscle around your knees to support them and wearing a brace all of the time can inhibit that.

    If you can sit and get up without much issue to squats over a chair. I started off doing squats sitting over a chair, like I was going to sit down but hovered over the chair. Then I went to assisted squats holding onto the top of the chair. Now I do them without a chair but I only go down a little bit. I don't know if I will ever be able to do a "full squat" but I don't mind that. Trust me, the little ones still help and I will feel sore the next day.

    With that being said walking will tone your bum too. So will an elliptical which is "no impact" but I find it to be hard on my knee sometimes too.

    You don't need squats. If they cause you too much pain even with the above method, just cut them out all together. And for the love of god DO NOT try lunges. With your knee issues I would stay away from them all together. Especially since I hear it is very easy to get the form wrong on these and injure yourself.
  • bleedingdesu
    bleedingdesu Posts: 63 Member
    Single leg bridges could help. Also, are you near a pool or have access to one? You could squat in the pool without much added pressure.
    I was thinking about trying that, as well as just going waist deep and water walking. my thoughts were that the resistance would give me more to work with.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Dumb question first: Why are squats not an option? They work, so I feel obligated to ask why you can't/won't do them.
    I've had four surgeries on my knees and I have torn cartilage in one.

    If you still have torn cartilage in one I would think just about exercise is out of the question. The issue is getting it repaired, going through PT, and then start exercising again. Squats themselves aren't really much more stressful on your knees then anything else when you're using good form.
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    i don't do squats or lunges due to my knees. i have built up great lower body muscles just through walking, then jogging, and now running. it also helped my core.

    biking also is great for leg muscles if you put the time in.
  • muttmom105
    muttmom105 Posts: 8
    I can't do much of anything - even walking hurts right now, so I'm in PT. It's so frustrating because I actually enjoy walking, and now can't. Weight I lost is creeping back on, and I know if I can lose weight there will be less pressure on the knees, so I feel like I'm in a catch-22. So annoyed with myself.