I am 62 inches tall and weigh about 104 lbs. If I am to eat 1883 calories per day to maintain, what would the caloric intake be to lose weight? And is that before or after my fitbit calculations have been uploaded to MFP? Am I looking at the net calories? I guess I needed to know what number I would be looking at.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    When going by MFP's method you want to look at your Net intake and get it as close to your goal as possible.

    1) Set MFP and Fitbit for 0.5lb weight loss per week.
    2) When looking at MFP you want to make sure your net, matches your goal. **Fitbit doesn't do the whole "net" thing like MFP and will show your daily total intake and will say you are fine if you are 50 over or under your goal.**


    If you are wanting to do the TDEE method, than you want to set a custom MFP goal of:

    - 1602 (15% cut) or 1696 (10% cut)

    With this method you don't log exercise and I'm not sure exactly how to do it with a fitbit. You might want to ask over in the Fitbit Users Group and see if any of them know.