
The 30 day squat challenge. I'm thinking bulls**t.
You won't get a Nicki Minaj *kitten* off this like people are advertising (Considering hers are implants ...)

I want to know what other exercises are a good workout to get your *kitten* into shape.
I run, started yoga and squat. I'm a basic newbie!
Any exercise advice would be amazing. Thanks! :)


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Try weighted squats.
    Don't totally dismiss them. They're great.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    heavy weighted squats, but you won't get Nicki Minaj's anything unless you're Nicki Minaj
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Squats - there are various kinds. Do a variety. Add weight when/if you can. Otherwise do a LOT of them. If you don't have weights, one-legged squats is a great way to increase intensity.
    Lunges - same advice - do a variety and as heavy or long as you can.
    Steps - walk up them, or do step aerobics focusing on putting the weight on your heal as you step up. Wear a backpack with heavy stuff in it or a weighted vest to increase intensity.
    Hiking up a mountain will also work the back of the legs and booty. Backpacks add weight and are handy for carrying water.

    Get the Brazillian Butt Lift DVDs.

    I don't know who Nicki Minaj is, or if you'll ever get a butt like hers - some people just naturally (or unaturally) have a nice booty. But these exercises will improve the shape of your butt.