What do you consider a "binge"?



  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Honestly...I considering a "binge" eating above 100-200 of my normally allotted calories if it is a non-workout day (few and far between) or using all my exercise calories on days that I workout. But that is just my personal opinion, of which I will probably get blasted for, but it does happen and I do binge on occasion!

  • faedreamer1
    faedreamer1 Posts: 47 Member
    For me a binge isn't so much eating a ton in one sitting, because I have trouble eating very much at once. For me a binge is eating a lot of unhealthy food over the course of the day. I'm a grazer. I work at home on my computer so it's very easy for me to have a bag of chips or some cookies or whatever right there to graze on the whole time. My office is directly connected to the kitchen as well, which leads to lots of mini trips to grab 'just a little something' throughout the day. Always adding up to well more than I ought to have, even though I rarely feel like I've over-eaten because I'm not eating huge amounts, just eating too frequently.
  • Zavier2012
    Zavier2012 Posts: 15
    Waking up at 3am and eating half a container of ice cream, a fiber bar,
    and a candy bar- that is my binge! Thank goodness we usually
    don't have ice cream so if it happens it usually jelly sandwich and yogurt- but
    if the junk is there and I wake up its trouble
  • madwill77
    madwill77 Posts: 8
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    IMO the word "binge" is greatly overused. Most people when they say bingeing, they mean overeating.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binge_eating <-- definition of binge eating. Binge eating involves 1. loss of control over eating and 2. consuming huge amounts of food as a result. It usually involves eating way past the point of fullness into discomfort or even nausea or vomiting, all while being unable to stop eating.

    If you go over your calorie goal by a little bit, it's overeating, not bingeing. If you go over your calorie goal by 1000s and you were totally out of control when you ate all that food, then it's bingeing. Even if you're over your calorie goal by 1000s, if you were in control of what you ate but just chose to eat food that is very high in calories or eat huge quantities of it, it's still overeating and not bingeing, because you were in control.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    For me a binge is defined by being out of control of my eating. The word is thrown around way to casually.

    There are times that I know I shouldn't have that chocolate cake but make a conscious decision to eat too much of it anyway. This is not a binge. I made the decision and I will accept the consequences like an adult.

    When I'm binging there's a little voice in the back of my head begging me to stop, to drink water, to fill up on salad, to walk out of the house, to wait an hour, to breath, anything. But that voice has no control over my body. I don't even recognize it as being a part of myself. I'm not eating for taste. I'm not even eating because it feels good. I'm eating to fill an emotional black hole that can never be filled. At that point I usually feel bloated and overly full. And I don't mean oh no! I had a big dinner fullness. I'm talking about feeling like one more bite will make me pop. And then I eat two more sandwiches. With peanut butter and cream cheese on them.

    I once traveled to Kyoto during cherry blossom season. They had attendants at the train station to pack as many people onto the public buses as possible. Then we stopped at three more bus stops and even more people got onto the bus. I couldn't move, could barely breath. This is what a binge feels like. I just want the food out of my stomach at that point but I keep eating more. I can't sit down without serious discomfort.

    Binging is about more than just guilt. At the end, I still feel empty inside even though I'm so full. I feel disgusted and disgusting. I don't want to face myself and I can't stand the thought of anyone finding out what I just did.

    For me, a minor binge is 3000 calories over maintenance. It is not a single cupcake.

    ^^^^ this.... bingeing is out of control eating of huge quantities of food

    controlled/conscious eating of huge quantities of food is not a binge, it's overeating, even if you go over by 1000s.

    unplanned snacking of a few cupcakes or whatever is not a binge, it's overeating (unplanned and totally out of control are not the same thing at all)

    the word binge is very overused. What most people mean by it is "overeating".

    dianne - I really hope you can find something that will help you to overcome this :flowerforyou:
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    my personal "binges" are not real binges but for me its when i prelog my food and then cant stop eating and eat more and more. I usually manage to stop before i go over tdee but for me personally its a binge
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    For me, a binge is an uncontrollable, out of body experience where I eat everything I can think of. I have added up the calories and it can top 4000!! Yes, 4000!!! I have been known to eat 6 protein bars @210 cal each, then a box of wheat thins, almonds, oatmeal bars, peanut butter on toast with butter etc. Yes, all in an hour or so. I then am sick and don't sleep good and get depressed. That is a binge for me.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    To me, it's eating when I'm not hungry and particularly when I'm already full (and not for a good reason - ie, deliberately trying to hit a macro) regardless of whether it fits in my Cals or not.