My dream,My body,My life,Never give up

hello everyone,i made this topic,cause for once in my life i want to be honest about myself and body, and i felt its better to start off like this, talking to strangers:D.p.s Srry for my horrible pronounciation of english^^

My dream

= my ultimate dream is to be a personal trainer,because of the passion i have for helping people,and fitness and eating healthy,but its not so easy as i thought it was,my road so far will be explained in Mylife

My Body

= Sadly i was born with a body that was under developed,meaning my total right side of my body is weaker,and even on my right chest i'm missing the bottum part of it, so my right chest only has his top muscle,wich looks weird,and makes me insecure,i've never ever in my life took of my shirt,not even for my family and my current girlfriend,but because i was motivated to set this right, i started training hard 5 times a week to get my right side strong again, after 2 years,my right side finally caught up with my left,except for my chest,wich many doctors told me, will never be like your left chest,even plastic surgery would not change anything.

My life

= I was born on 25 august 1985.i was born with eczema,and alot more deseases wich we only discovered at the age of 16,so my youth sucked i was sick all the time,even in my highschool years,so i've never managed to get my diploma,anyway after 3 years of trying to get myself back together, i developed a passion for gardening,so i decided to follow a course of training to become a gardener,wich i managed to do for 6 month,and i became sick again,after months of research they noted that i was allergic for flowers plants,dogs,dust and all that good stuff,so i've ended up at home.
In this time i developed a passion for photography,painting and, because i wanted to get a stronger body,i picked up fitness,at this time i was so skinny that i never noted that my chest was underdeveloped,so after 6 months of training i finally saw my body shaping and found out the truth about my body, wich hurt me alot,but i was determined to not let me drag it down to a depression,so i went to doctors and specialist,and they all told me its just nature this is how you were born,after all the doctors i've visited my determination turned into the despression i was so afraid of,.
so years of feeling srry for myself went by,but for some reason i never lost one good friend,my cousin, who later introduces me to a girl named lieke, who for some reason liked me, and i liked her back,and we are now together for 2 years,and she supports me and i support her, so to get were we are now, a year ago i decided to follow my dreams i started working out like i used to,started going to a gym instead of working out at home just to be among people,then applied a personal trainer course,but i wasn't able to follow the course,cause i did not have my highschool diploma's.
After all this,i thought well i'm not giving up,so i started a website for photography, and now i'm setting up plans to make my own personal fitness website,about how even when you're born with some handicapts there is no reason to not work hard go to the gym, and make yourself happy,and work hard to become the best version of yourself,even when you know,that your body will never be like anyone else,that you will Always be different,i've learned to accept myself,now its your turn.

i love you all,and hopefully i can help all of you in the future.
