Put on 6 pounds in 2 days

nicsow Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, I've been doing really well and lost over 100 pounds. Down to my goal weight now and just maintaining. Exercise frequently, eat healthily - all good. Then on Friday i indulged in a 'few' homemade cookies at a friends..... Weighed myself on saturday, up by 6 pounds.... OK, I thought it's water weight, carry on as normal - which I have - BUT it's not gone away and this is 4 days later.... What happened? Anyone got any advice??


  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403 Member
    drink water. water water. it takes 3500 cals to gain a pound - so it is water.
    the same thing happened to me last week - so for two days i pounded water and cleaned up my eating - only fresh veggies steamed with chicken or fish and lots of fruit - it dropped away pretty quickly.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    That sucks. I'm up 3 pounds after this week end and I was careful and I worked out a lot. But I drank a little and also ate some cookies. AND I am on period as of last night. Who knows what the heck happens but it sucks. However you have acheived amazing goals so great job!!!
  • nicsow
    nicsow Posts: 2
    Thanks both of you, just really frustrated... thought it probably was water weight but it would normally have gone by now....and it hasn't.... starting to panic....would you go really low cal for a few days until it drops....???
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm sure you're fine unless you ate 21,000 extra calories in those 2 days. Obviously, weighing yourself daily you're a setup for these types of heartbreaks. You have to consider where you are in your cycle, whether there's been an increase/change in exercise, whether you're constipated etc to figure out where those pounds came from.

    If I were you I'd drink plenty of water, monitor how I look in the mirror, and see how I'm doing a week from now.

    Congrats on reaching your goal weight! :happy:
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    Agreed with the H20. Not to sound incredibly "informative" and disgusting... but you also have to take into account what is in your gut. That can weigh a lot and actually weigh us down... that's why you hear all the hype about cleansing/weight loss..yadda yadda. Not saying I agree with THAT per se, but there is some truth that if there has been irregularities, that can also contribute to weight gain... just a thought.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Thanks both of you, just really frustrated... thought it probably was water weight but it would normally have gone by now....and it hasn't.... starting to panic....would you go really low cal for a few days until it drops....???

    No. If anything go low sodium.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Water weight doesn't necessarily go away quickly, especially if you're not watching sodium and you KEEP eating high-sodium foods, or you're on TOM, or you're dehydrated, or you started a new workout routine, etc.
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