Problems with the 30 day shred

I started doing level 1 of the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels from the 19th of May. I had water, I had my dumbbells and I had my yoga mat. After 15 minutes, I started to get really nauseated and dizzy. I threw up 30 minutes after. Today I started working out on the shred thing again. I went to 20 minutes of it and again I started getting nauseated and dizzy and threw up again, although I had eaten about 3 hours before. Does anyone else have this problem with the 30 day shred? Its very intense and yes, it does make me want to die but I want to carry on, but then I stop because the nausea gets too much. It takes 30 minutes for me to reach that point and after, I feel much better, almost normal. Do I carry on with the workout after that because I don't think its normal for people to throw up like that during a workout. Can anyone please help me?


  • aigoooooo
    aigoooooo Posts: 31
    I find that my workouts timing and my meals are important. If I eat sooner than an hour or longer than 3 I'll get sick. Usually an apple or a banana half an hour before or am hour before is enough to prevent nausea for me. When i did Tonique by Sylwia Wiesrnberg, i almost threw up and was too dizzy to continue. It had been too long sincei had eaten for something that intense. Time your meals and what you eat before carefully and you should be golden. I haven't had that problem with jm workouts,. I'm currently doing ripped in 30.
  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    I used to throw up at the beginning of every track season because I was out of shape for the stress the coach wanted to put on us. My advice would be to only do 10 minutes to start until that feels good and then add 5 minutes until that feels good and keep adding 5 minutes. Stay consistent and before you know it, you'll be ripping out this routine for 60 minutes and looking great! Don't give up as you will get past this! Add me as a friend if you want someone to motiviate you!
  • momo9128706
    momo9128706 Posts: 45
    It's not the program. It's probably your eating/drinking habits.. I ran a 5k yesterday and threw up right when I got home.. Think of it as your body getting rid of all the CRAP you've probably been eating and wanting to be healthier. It sucks, but it gets better. I've done 30DS 2x and I can tell you, it's not as intense as you think. Keep going! Jillian says all the time "If you don't puke, faint, or die, keep going".. You did what she asked. Don't give up!
  • PotterWhoLocked99
    PotterWhoLocked99 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much. You're right. It was my eating habit that was screwed up and the fact that I was over-working it. I hesitantly started exercising on the 3rd day, and took a 2 minute gap after every 10 minutes to take a few sips of water and before I knew it, my 30 minutes were done. and I even had enough energy to shuffle around with 15 minutes of Zumba (I'm a terrible dancer). I did the same today. Had 30 minutes of the shred, then 16 minutes of Zumba, and I've already lost 3.4 pounds, and it's only my 4th day! :happy: I'm so happy. I eat at least 2-3 hours before I start exercising so that when I freshen up after, I have a ravenous appetite which I balance with a light but hearty home-made meal.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I threw up the first time I did level one, and then again on level 3. I also puked after level 2 of Ripped in 30. Just the first stopped after that. I don't think it's all that unusually. Just be careful of what you eat. If I eat really rich, heavy foods before working's all coming up.