Anyone ever tried PHENTRAMINE??



  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
    Yes, I have used it. It gave me heart palpitations, so I had to stop. My doctor prescribed it, but it is only for short term use..i.e. 30 days max. You might start with 1/2 dosage in the morning. good luck.
    thanks.. i plan to take it maybe two weeks just to see what it does. maybe one month if i like. since im closer to my goal weight its just gotten so much harder to lose weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...

    ^^ Agree with this and with his use of sarcasm.
    It gets a tad boring seeing endless threads with people looking for some sort of magical shortcut, regardless of risks to their health, not to mention the gross waste of money and lack of common sense.
  • libbymiller21
    libbymiller21 Posts: 1 Member
    I started phentermine under my doctor's supervision. She only allowed 3 months of use but I lost 24lbs while on the medication. I really needed something to help with my eating "abuse" and this helped out a lot! I also didn't choose the full mg or whatever they measure it by... you can chose between three levels. I started off with the lowest dosage my first two months and and the last month used the second level dosage. I would assume the ones on this discussion post who had the jitters went full force off the bat. I didnt have excessive energy, I just didn't feel hungry. I started the medication in Dec its now May and I'm 29lbs down. If you stay focused on your weight loss goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle then gaining 20+ after you won't happen. Your stomach size shrinks and you know when you are eating too much. So if you are serious about changing your eating habits I would say go for it! There is no magic pill so you will have to count calories and exercise.
  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
    I took the actual phentermine under the consult of a doctor for about 5 months. I lost about 15 pounds. I put it back on plus another 10 after I quit. It made me irritable the fist week, which is a normal side effect and it helped at first suppress my appetite and curb cravings but it wasn't a long term solution. I wouldn't take it if it's not an actual prescription from an actual doctor, which is required for real phentermine, at least in the US I thought. The doctor needs to check your metabolism before you take it and keep a close eye on your blood pressure. You also shouldn't take most allergy medicines and such while taking it, which of course would be explained by a doctor if prescribed properly. The reason being is that they both accelerate heart rates and raise blood pressure and could lead to a heart attack if not carefully monitored.

    I completely understand that you want a push start or something to help you get started. I was there once too. I have probably tried a dozen programs trying to get a "jumpstart." I lost weight on a meal program once, but gained it all back after quitting their food. I was unsuccessful at the others because I had not fully committed myself to them and gave them 100% effort. I always cheated with my food, or indulged in alcohol, or quit exercising, which makes it easier to cheat and do the first two things all over again. Right now, I'm just trying to do the simple things and eat healthier and cleaner and see if I can make some slow process.

    Save your money, find a food philosophy or plan that makes sense to you scientifically and go from there. Study, read, and research those plans before you start. Look for success stories that gives you a clear description of how they actually accomplished their goals and how long it took. It wasn't until I did this that I actually understood there really is no quick fix.

    But, find a program or a guide that makes sense to you, put some blinders on, because there will be people who discriminate against it, and go from there. Good luck.
    thank you mam. very constructive information. i told another person here i dont want to do it for long at all. i only have 15 lbs to lose now. i started in december with 33lbs to lose so its just getting harder and slower the closer i get to goal. medically i have an extremely low metabolism. im on a twice a day miralax regimen along with other laxatives because of my extremely low metabolism, plus eating tht tasteless go lean cereal daily.. i am a NURSE so i know what needs to be monitored daily and all the signs and symptoms i need to monitor to determine whether or not its right for me. this is probably the most i have pushed the envelope. i do have my blind goggles on and filter through the criticism. most people dont realize that the protein powders and high protein diets have the capability of putting you in permanent renal failure in a matter of 20 minutes. ( thats kind of scary too guys) anyways sweety thanks for the look out an i understand completely!!!! i would say im on a good track and if i dont like it ill quit it ; simply wanted to know if it worked. hopefully i can keep any weight i lose off. thanks a lot hunny and i appreciate the ur understanding and lack of negative judgement. :)
  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
    Only the prescription phentermine works from what I've read. I've taken the prescription and lost about 50 pounds in a very short amount of time. I wouldn't mess around with the over the counter stuff though.
    wow- thanks :)
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...

  • Alarista
    Alarista Posts: 77 Member
    I take it, I like it. Lots of energy (I want to scrub EVERYTHING), takes away my appetite but more importantly for me, my binge eating. I also struggle with B12 deficiency, falling asleep, and fatigue so it helps me push through. However, have to take it early or won't sleep at night.

    You can become dependent. I haven't taken it the past 4 days and I want to eat EVERYTHING, so watch that. Do consult your doctor because it can lead to jitteryness, anxiety, palpitations, and those can be scary if you aren't prepared. I know lots of people who have had great success, but make sure your doctor is in on it.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I took a prescription ampetamine. I got addicted. I abused said prescription. I gained 100 lbs after I got off it.

    Results will (thankfully) vary. If you have any tendency for dependence, I would not suggest taking an amphetamine. If used in a short time span the dependency risk is lower, however most people do gain the weight back after they get off because they never learned how to naturally deal with the body's hunger signals.
  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...
    LMBO !! lol! EVERYTHING HAS A RISK AND I MEAN EVERYTHING!!! Now shut the front door son and keep eating your protein so u can run the risk of suffering from permanent renal damage. youre so cuute honey im glad my thread can show you a good time. .. . what a silly boy:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Metabolic stimulants can wreak havoc on your system and your metabolism. it's best not to use them without consulting your doctor.

    Hmm, that profile picture is unique ..Could be a crime scene! lol
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    A few years ago, I took Phentermine with the supervision of a physician and a nutritionist. I lost almost 60 pounds in less than 5 months, but that's actually not something that I'm proud of. I didn't eat a single vegetable that entire time - I would eat pure junk: burgers, fries, chocolate. I would just eat smaller amounts because it completely wiped out my appetite. I would lie to my docs about what I was eating - I pretended like I was doing it right so that he wouldn't take away my prescription.

    Now. I'm not saying that the medication doesn't work - it does, if your only goal is to lose weight quickly. But it really doesn't last - as soon as I stopped the medication, I put back on every single pound that I had lost and then some. And every other woman I talked to that had tried it said the exact same thing.

    I also suffered some malnutrition from the complete lack of anything healthy in my diet, combined with the fact that I was only eating 7-800 calories each day. So....I don't recommend it. I honestly, with my whole heart, believe that it's better to be patient and lose weight the proper way (healthy choices in diet & activity) than to go for the magic bullet.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...
    LMBO !! lol! EVERYTHING HAS A RISK AND I MEAN EVERYTHING!!! Now shut the front door son and keep eating your protein so u can run the risk of suffering from permanent renal damage. youre so cuute honey im glad my thread can show you a good time. .. . what a silly boy:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    protein causes renal damage..??? thats a new one...
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Phentermine is a prescription that you can only get from a doctor.

    Phentramine is sold over the counter, online... and its not the same thing. Be careful. You don't know who you're buying this from- and what they're putting in the pills.

    Just an FYI.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...

    ^^ Agree with this and with his use of sarcasm.
    It gets a tad boring seeing endless threads with people looking for some sort of magical shortcut, regardless of risks to their health, not to mention the gross waste of money and lack of common sense.

    For good measure, this is worth quoting. There have been a surge of "what can I take to lose weight instead of putting forth effort" threads lately.
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    It can also cause heart damage if taken too long. It gave me the jitters and made me really irritable. as soon as I stopped taking it I gained whatever little I lost plus more. So not worth it!!
  • AJinBirmingham
    Spelling is important - Phentramine is a scam and won't likely do anything. Phentermine can only be acquired (legally) with a prescription. If you need a kick start and are otherwise healthy, trying it won't hurt (unless you abuse it.)

    There is a middle ground between consulting your family physician and risking an online scrip scam - almost any "medical weight loss clinic" will prescribe it, with only a brief consultation and blood pressure check and for a reasonable price.

    I wish you every success, with or without it.
  • jondyalec1
    jondyalec1 Posts: 21
    Dont try it! I tryed it for a month and it made my heart race fast and I always fet dizzy. My friend was on it at the same time and was hospitalized for heart issues it created for her.
  • Tyree985
    Tyree985 Posts: 22 Member
    or you could always try unipixitrone with a side of bull****itus

    Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.

    He's a douche, was mocking raspberry ketones on another thread.

    are you saying raspberry ketones work??

    Look people - you want to lose weight eat in a calorie deficit and work out/move around and hit your macro goals for the day.

    There is no special pill, metabolic burner, magical drink, cleanse, detox, et al that is going to magically make the weight disappear...and i reserve the right to be wise a#$ whenever I choose and on whatever thread I so desire...

    ^^ Agree with this and with his use of sarcasm.
    It gets a tad boring seeing endless threads with people looking for some sort of magical shortcut, regardless of risks to their health, not to mention the gross waste of money and lack of common sense.

    Don't read them then! If you see a forum asking if anyone has tried this or that skip it. There are more than enough threads for you to read. There is simply no reason for anyone to be so rude. There is nothing wrong with saying I don't agree with taking supplements blah blah blah but to mock and put down anyone is uncalled for and you people should be banned!