What to eat when you are broke!!??



  • pizzaquixote
    Get to an Aldi's if you have one. Eggs are 68 cents a dozen, and a great source of protein. Greek Yogurt, 45 cents. Add in some bananas and that is some decent nutrition until more $$$$ comes your way
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    Eggs, potatoes, and rice. If you have a Dollar Tree in your area, you can get frozen veggies for $1/lb.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    tuna is usually cheap nad you can get a few sandwhiches out of it...or even salads out of it. you can use mustard instead of mayo.
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    Making a big pot of stew does not cost much & it will last you days! Its what I made last night & it will be my lunch for the whole week :)
  • fightingthefood
    I make omelets using one whole egg and 3 egg whites, 1 cup chopped spinach, 1/2 cup tomato and 1/2 cup chopped onions plus 1/4 cup shredded cheese. Add a little water so omelet will puff as you cook it. Makes a big omelet that fills and is good for you. Also have made omelets using whatever canned beans I have on hand. (rinse to help remove excess sodium) My eight and nine year old daughters always want theirs with sardines cooked inside.
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    When I don't have much money. I normally opt for some type of pasta, i.e. spaghetti with sauce no meat (not much protein), or tuna macaroni salad, beans and rice, eggs, or peanut butter sandwiches. All of these options are usually less than $5 and you can pair with with frozen vegetables.
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    When i am skint....which is alot.....I buy a big bag of potatoes, which can be jackets, boiled, or even wedges....beans and some meat thats on offer. I also freeze meat some times, so during the hard times I can still eat protein lol.
    Also make larger portions of thing and freeze some of it for anouther time. I live off frozen portions when my money runs out!!

    I do the same as well, but I never thought to do in times when I am short on cash... Good idea! I normally buy meat when it is on sale and freeze it. That way I have plenty on hand and dont have to shop more often.
  • rosiesmama
    rosiesmama Posts: 69 Member
    Tell us what you've got, and we'll tell you what to do with it.