Sheepishly asking the same question everyone asks...

I've been at this for a month - regular exercise, way cleaned up the diet, tracking everything. I lost 5 pounds right off the bat during the JMBR kickstart week, which I expect was water weight. It's been 3 weeks and not even a half pound change. No real inches lost to speak of, clothes not fitting any looser.

For activity, I'm doing JMBR 6 mornings per week, and currently in week 4 of couch to 5k, three evenings per week. I don't burn a ton of calories doing either, below what the average person burns, it seems (Polar FT60 HRM). My resting heart rate is quite low as well, always has been.

My BMR is 1462, TDEE is 2266. I aim for total calories eaten (including exercise) of around 1800, which is hard for me to get to. That's why you'll see the protein powder or protein bar in my diary, trying to get calories in after I'm stuffed with "real food". I try to keep my macros as in line as possible, I think I do pretty well. No refined sugar or fun treats (if you're looking at my diary, don't judge me on my marshmallow and half a hershey bar on Saturday - we were camping. I did avoid the beer!)

I have a food scale. I weigh and measure. I'm honest with everything I log - if it goes in my mouth, I log it. Except for maybe my daily cup of black coffee. I drink about 96oz of pure water (not mixed into other beverages) per day. Do I just need to be patient and keep doing what I'm doing at this point? I keep telling myself not to worry about the scale, but when I'm not seeing other changes, that gets discouraging. I'm getting obsessive about meal planning, prelogging, adhering to macros, trying to get it right. I keep hoping at some point my body is going to click with what I've been doing and I'll see some pounds coming off or some inches coming off, or not having to suck it in so much when I zip my jeans.

Is there something I can do better? More exercise? Less food? More patience? If I know I'm on the right track, it will be easier in the patience department. My goal is to lose this weight by the end of the year, or at least most of it. So I'm cool with not losing 5 pounds a week. But a half or a pound a week would be really nice.


  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Don't stuff in the extra calories if you can get by with less. If you are getting the right stuff to stay healthy and not losing, eat less.
  • youngmommy2
    youngmommy2 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not an expert but it seems to me that your calorie allowance is too high. My BMR is 1454 and my TDEE is 1993. I am 5'1" 145 lbs. I want to lose 25 lbs. My daily calorie allowance is 1200. I would also suggest that if you are full after eating real food then don't add anything. maybe you can also change your exercise. Jillian michaels 30 day shred is great . Ive been using it on and off over the past year and every time I start again I notice results within a few days. I hope that this helps
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm with you, lol. Scale has barely bulged since I started eating 1800 calories. I was told to give it time... so I'd wait 4-6 weeks (which is what I'm going to do) then eat less. The way I see it, worst case, you'll just maintain for a bit, and it will boost your metabolism a bit and it should be easier to lose after...

    And don't listen to the previous poster, 1800 is probably right where you should be for the amount of exercise you do.
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    if you are calculating your calories correctly, you WILL lose weight, how much and how frequently is highly individualized, although I would suspect that doing a workout 6 times per week is causing you to hold onto some extra water to help replenish your system, and flush out waste from your muscles. I routinely way 3+ lbs more than my standard weight the day after I work out, but then a day later, back down again as I eliminate the metabolic waste from exercise. DON'T QUIT! you are on the verge of a significant change! just keep going you'll see :)
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I think my TDEE is accurate - I used "3-5 hrs of moderate exercise per week" as Body Revolution is pretty hard core, plus the running gives me a total of about 4.5 hours per week. Although I could certainly drop it down to "1-3 hours of light exercise" and get a TDEE of about 200 cals less. That gives me a daily calorie goal of 1600. Certainly a lot easier to eat at that goal anyhow!

    Maybe dropping the activity level a notch would be appropriate given my low RHR/lower calorie burns.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Give it a few more weeks. I'd say by the time you hit the 2 month mark, if you still haven't lost weight, maybe try deducting 100 calories from your goal and test that for a while. :drinker:

    Good luck and don't give up.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    You say your goal is 1800 yet in the past 2 weeks there were only 2 days you logged 1800 calories eaten. Every other day was well well below that. There were days you were netting something like 850 calories. If you're afraid you're going to eat too much with the 1800 number, why don't you aim for 1700 and make sure to hit that EVERY day.

    Your lunch one day was only 110 calories worth of tuna. It is so easy to add calories throughout the day so you don't feel like you have to gorge yourself around dinner. Add some avocado and spinach and greek yogurt to that tuna and bam, you can easily add a couple hundred calories to lunch alone.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I had to go back to see when I could have possibly netted 850 calories, haha! May 6th. I had a meeting that afternoon and had to chow down the tuna cup on the go. I don't like to be hungry, so I'm really not one of those types that just doesn't eat. I didn't realize it netted that low though.

    I guess I have trouble hitting calories while staying within the macros. I do tend to have greek yogurt and avocado almost daily as it is. I've been choking down salad but after the kickstart week of JMBR, I have to say I have trouble eating it and I don't really enjoy it. I think I had a cup of steamed broccoli every single day last week, along with chef salad. I find I get closer to carbs and fat yet still have 600 calories left to eat. I can't exactly eat 600 calories worth of greens, so that's kind of where I get when I'm not sure how to eat. That's why my head is spinning right now.

    Planning is very tricky for me (husband and two elementary age kids to feed (they eat the same as me for the most part), a 20 minute drive to the nearest grocery store, and I skip lunch hour so I can get home from work in time to get kids off the school bus) so I'm still trying to hammer in a routine of what to eat and when to accomodate all the variables and lack of time. It's getting easier but I can definitely work at making it better. I'll start working on hitting a more consistent calorie goal for the next few weeks and see if that helps. I'm scared to death to under eat, after reading all the "destroying your metabolism" threads, haha!
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    Only went back a few days, but I keep seeing 400 calories left. You are netting 1400 instead of 1800. Try adding nuts, cheese, bananas- calorie dense foods. I also eat a little ranch with veggies. What are your macros? I do c/p/f at 40/30/30.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    How did you get that TDEE? Does it include all your exercise? What do you do when you're not exercising? Does your job have you on your feet? Moving? What do you do for hobbies other than exercise?

    You say your HRM indicates lower burn for activitiies. If you calculated your TDEE based on the formulas, those formulas are the same ones used to calculate much higher burns for things you've already shown empirically are low for you.

    You might try re-running your TDEE as "Sedentary." Do SedentaryTDEE-20% for your goal, and then use the HRM calories and eat those back?
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm scared to death to under eat, after reading all the "destroying your metabolism" threads, haha!

    Very little science to support that idea. There is some, just not much. The medically sound one I read recently says that all diets will cause some metabolism reduction and it will generally be between 4% and 10%. People will scare you by using that study and saying your metabolism can drop two and a half times as much if you don't do X or whatever. But no medically sound study has ever found a point at which you will have a smaller deficit by eating less; that's a myth. Whatever level you can stick to will work if it is below what you burn and you are getting the nutrients you need. The lower the intake, the faster you lose. At some point the lowering of metabolism will make the decrease in calories/increase in deficit less that 1:1, but never less than 0.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    How did you get that TDEE? Does it include all your exercise? What do you do when you're not exercising? Does your job have you on your feet? Moving? What do you do for hobbies other than exercise?

    You say your HRM indicates lower burn for activitiies. If you calculated your TDEE based on the formulas, those formulas are the same ones used to calculate much higher burns for things you've already shown empirically are low for you.

    You might try re-running your TDEE as "Sedentary." Do SedentaryTDEE-20% for your goal, and then use the HRM calories and eat those back?

    I used the Scooby calculator, initially at 3-5 hrs of moderate exercise/week. My job at work is a desk job. Hobbies include cleaning, laundry and general domestic crap when I get home from work after making dinner and helping kids with homework. I used to have time for real hobbies once upon a time, alas. Three nights per week my husband and I run (which I've included in my exercise). If I drop it down to sedentary, my BMR is 1462 and TDEE - 15% is 1491. Coincidentally that's where I've been netting out, apparently.

    I don't mind adding calorie dense foods like nuts & cheese, but then do I need to fret about going over on fat if it's good fat? I hate being an overthinker. It really sucks in times like this!

    I really appreciate everyone's input. It helps to have experienced people take a look at what I've been doing. :smile:
  • AJL437
    AJL437 Posts: 71 Member
    You have to hit the 1800. It's the right goal. Don't overthink it - just get some solid protein sources - almonds, lean meats.
  • InspiredSAM
    InspiredSAM Posts: 98 Member
    You say your goal is 1800 yet in the past 2 weeks there were only 2 days you logged 1800 calories eaten. Every other day was well well below that. There were days you were netting something like 850 calories. If you're afraid you're going to eat too much with the 1800 number, why don't you aim for 1700 and make sure to hit that EVERY day.

    Your lunch one day was only 110 calories worth of tuna. It is so easy to add calories throughout the day so you don't feel like you have to gorge yourself around dinner. Add some avocado and spinach and greek yogurt to that tuna and bam, you can easily add a couple hundred calories to lunch alone.

    If you're using TDEE, you don't need to eat back your calories. Those calories burned are already calculated into your formula when you select which level of activity you do.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Haha I can relate because I too love food and eating... ;) The eating at a smaller deficit to lose weight has really worked for me and I'm so happy. I hope you can find your "sweet spot" of calories.

    Macros are hard to get perfectly balanced, and mine are often not perfect and I still lose weight. I wouldn't worry too much about using some nuts to meet your calorie goal, or using some olive oil for cooking. I use full fat mozzarella or goat cheese in salads/melted on chicken and eat larger portions of meat, things like that. I also prefer 3 larger meals with minimal snacks, but that's just me. Your breakfasts are pretty light calorie-wise; maybe add some avocado or guac with your eggs and some whole wheat bread. I like oatmeal+peanut butter+chia seeds or flax seeds for my breakfast. Treat yourself with some extra dark chocolate squares or strawberries + dark chocolate almond butter and a glass of milk. Just some ideas for more 'healthier' calories.

    Planning with a family is hard, so you do have some extra challenges there. I spend my evening packing my lunch and breakfast for the next day; maybe you can do that after the kids go to sleep?

    You actually do quite a bit of exercise if you're doing the 30 day shred and couch to 5k, so I really would try to stick with at least 1700 for a few weeks and see what happens.

    I had to go back to see when I could have possibly netted 850 calories, haha! May 6th. I had a meeting that afternoon and had to chow down the tuna cup on the go. I don't like to be hungry, so I'm really not one of those types that just doesn't eat. I didn't realize it netted that low though.

    I guess I have trouble hitting calories while staying within the macros. I do tend to have greek yogurt and avocado almost daily as it is. I've been choking down salad but after the kickstart week of JMBR, I have to say I have trouble eating it and I don't really enjoy it. I think I had a cup of steamed broccoli every single day last week, along with chef salad. I find I get closer to carbs and fat yet still have 600 calories left to eat. I can't exactly eat 600 calories worth of greens, so that's kind of where I get when I'm not sure how to eat. That's why my head is spinning right now.

    Planning is very tricky for me (husband and two elementary age kids to feed (they eat the same as me for the most part), a 20 minute drive to the nearest grocery store, and I skip lunch hour so I can get home from work in time to get kids off the school bus) so I'm still trying to hammer in a routine of what to eat and when to accomodate all the variables and lack of time. It's getting easier but I can definitely work at making it better. I'll start working on hitting a more consistent calorie goal for the next few weeks and see if that helps. I'm scared to death to under eat, after reading all the "destroying your metabolism" threads, haha!
  • cyberbidder
    cyberbidder Posts: 20
    Hi, My guess is that while initially the 5lbs may have been water weight it is not now. In other words you really have lost 5lbs. in a month that is over 1lb a week which is very good. I suggest you change nothing.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    How did you get that TDEE? Does it include all your exercise? What do you do when you're not exercising? Does your job have you on your feet? Moving? What do you do for hobbies other than exercise?

    You say your HRM indicates lower burn for activitiies. If you calculated your TDEE based on the formulas, those formulas are the same ones used to calculate much higher burns for things you've already shown empirically are low for you.

    You might try re-running your TDEE as "Sedentary." Do SedentaryTDEE-20% for your goal, and then use the HRM calories and eat those back?

    I used the Scooby calculator, initially at 3-5 hrs of moderate exercise/week. My job at work is a desk job. Hobbies include cleaning, laundry and general domestic crap when I get home from work after making dinner and helping kids with homework. I used to have time for real hobbies once upon a time, alas. Three nights per week my husband and I run (which I've included in my exercise). If I drop it down to sedentary, my BMR is 1462 and TDEE - 15% is 1491. Coincidentally that's where I've been netting out, apparently.

    I don't mind adding calorie dense foods like nuts & cheese, but then do I need to fret about going over on fat if it's good fat? I hate being an overthinker. It really sucks in times like this!

    I really appreciate everyone's input. It helps to have experienced people take a look at what I've been doing. :smile:

    Since May 1 you have only eaten 1700-1800 for 4 days. All other days you were considerably under that. Also, your body is under stress, you just started an attack on it by exercising and dieting. Do not obsess so much with the macros. Right now you should focus on calories. If scoobie gave you 1800, then set it at 1740 and try to hit that at least. You can always eat tablespoons of real peanut butter at night to reach the number. Drink a lot of water. Add fresh fruits for snacks. Sleep and try to relax. Do not obsess with macros or overcalculating too much. Also, because you are doing the TDEE that includes exercise, when you log the exercise in mfp put the calories burnt as 1. Otherwise it readjusts the macros in the food log for the day based on the extra calories earned from exercise. Custom set the goals to net calories consumed at 1740 and do not add the calories burnt.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    How did you get that TDEE? Does it include all your exercise? What do you do when you're not exercising? Does your job have you on your feet? Moving? What do you do for hobbies other than exercise?

    You say your HRM indicates lower burn for activitiies. If you calculated your TDEE based on the formulas, those formulas are the same ones used to calculate much higher burns for things you've already shown empirically are low for you.

    You might try re-running your TDEE as "Sedentary." Do SedentaryTDEE-20% for your goal, and then use the HRM calories and eat those back?

    I am a big fan of this method also. Unless you have a fairly strict exercise routine (and maybe you do?) I think it is hard to estimate a consistent TDEE.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    How did you get that TDEE? Does it include all your exercise? What do you do when you're not exercising? Does your job have you on your feet? Moving? What do you do for hobbies other than exercise?

    You say your HRM indicates lower burn for activitiies. If you calculated your TDEE based on the formulas, those formulas are the same ones used to calculate much higher burns for things you've already shown empirically are low for you.

    You might try re-running your TDEE as "Sedentary." Do SedentaryTDEE-20% for your goal, and then use the HRM calories and eat those back?

    I used the Scooby calculator, initially at 3-5 hrs of moderate exercise/week. My job at work is a desk job. Hobbies include cleaning, laundry and general domestic crap when I get home from work after making dinner and helping kids with homework. I used to have time for real hobbies once upon a time, alas. Three nights per week my husband and I run (which I've included in my exercise). If I drop it down to sedentary, my BMR is 1462 and TDEE - 15% is 1491. Coincidentally that's where I've been netting out, apparently.

    I don't mind adding calorie dense foods like nuts & cheese, but then do I need to fret about going over on fat if it's good fat? I hate being an overthinker. It really sucks in times like this!

    I really appreciate everyone's input. It helps to have experienced people take a look at what I've been doing. :smile:

    Since May 1 you have only eaten 1700-1800 for 4 days. All other days you were considerably under that. Also, your body is under stress, you just started an attack on it by exercising and dieting. Do not obsess so much with the macros. Right now you should focus on calories. If scoobie gave you 1800, then set it at 1740 and try to hit that at least. You can always eat tablespoons of real peanut butter at night to reach the number. Drink a lot of water. Add fresh fruits for snacks. Sleep and try to relax. Do not obsess with macros or overcalculating too much. Also, because you are doing the TDEE that includes exercise, when you log the exercise in mfp put the calories burnt as 1. Otherwise it readjusts the macros in the food log for the day based on the extra calories earned from exercise. Custom set the goals to net calories consumed at 1740 and do not add the calories burnt.

    Pretty good advice here...
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    How did you get that TDEE? Does it include all your exercise? What do you do when you're not exercising? Does your job have you on your feet? Moving? What do you do for hobbies other than exercise?

    You say your HRM indicates lower burn for activitiies. If you calculated your TDEE based on the formulas, those formulas are the same ones used to calculate much higher burns for things you've already shown empirically are low for you.

    You might try re-running your TDEE as "Sedentary." Do SedentaryTDEE-20% for your goal, and then use the HRM calories and eat those back?

    I am a big fan of this method also. Unless you have a fairly strict exercise routine (and maybe you do?) I think it is hard to estimate a consistent TDEE.

    I would keep it at a TDEE with exercise for a few months because you seem too stressed and overanalyzing it, instead of setting it at sedentary and then have the exercise to calculate and worry for that as well. Just try to learn more about yourself, how your body reacts, what it needs. Be patient and relax. This is a lifestyle change and self-discovery. You sound may be entering MLC phase.