How do I beat cravings?!



  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    Hormones seem to make me into a mad person with my appetite, especially after my Depo shot. Would love to know what healthy supplement would best regulate that. In the meantime, I got rid of all the crap in my house so if I reallllly want it, I have to get off my *kitten* to do it, and since I usually don't feel like doing that, I can get myself past it.

    Cucumber slices and a good fresh salsa seem to work pretty well, although I do get grumbly that I want real chips instead.
    String cheese or a hard-boiled egg tide me over for a while, too.

    The fewer carbs and sugars I have during the day, the less insane I am about my cravings, but things happen. If I mess up during the day I do what I can to work it off. My biggest problem is after 8 when it's too early for bed and I'd be too wired to sleep if I tried working out.
  • NicS69
    NicS69 Posts: 40 Member
    All I can think about are chips and chocolate. I'm literally pacing the floor! It's 730 pm here. What's good to have in the cupboard on standby?

    I can truly understand you pain. I have PMDD myself and the cravings can be overwhelming. I haven't found anything that satisfys my chocolate craving except chocolate itself. So try to make it a heathy one.

    -Dip strawberries in dark chocolate and freeze. (you'll still get a little chocolate fix but won't totally kill your diet)
    -If you can, try eating just 2-3 chocolate kisses.
    -Popcorn instead of chips
    -Or make you're own healthy baked chips ahead of time.

    Honestly, sometime just distracting yourself works too. Go out for a walk, clean out your purse, anything to get your mind off of it.

    Good luck!