
cabrzama Posts: 24 Member
Sorry if this has been posted before.

I have a pretty good handle on the calorie intake, and I don't do too bad on carbs, protein, and fat... but sodium is completely kicking my butt!

What advice, tips can everyone share about keeping sodium levels in check?

I have almost just given up until my weight is off (reached my goal) before I begin to tackle my sodium intake issue. By issue, I mean I am supposed to be at about 2500 mg each day but most days eat close to double that and some days more than double.


  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    Whats the source of all this sodium coming from? Anything packaged and sometimes canned is gonna have high sodium.

    If ya stick to whole foods and eat clean, it's pretty easy to keep the sodium down. Although you couldnt tell from my food diary lately cuz I've been off track for the last week (women issues)
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    Whats the source of all this sodium coming from? Anything packaged and sometimes canned is gonna have high sodium.

    If ya stick to whole foods and eat clean, it's pretty easy to keep the sodium down. Although you couldnt tell from my food diary lately cuz I've been off track for the last week (women issues)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I noticed the same thing and cut way back on fast food and processed foods (two biggest culprits of excess sodium). Now, I make almost everything myself, or make sure to buy the brand that has the least amount of sodium, or no sodium added versions. That has helped a lot. I went from being between 3,000-4,000 mg per day to consistently between 2,250-2,800.

    If you happen to have a heavy sodium day, just drink extra water (I do 8 oz for every 400-500 mg I go over). That helps flush the excess sodium out of your system.
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    drink plenty of water! keep away from canned or processed foods like other have said! check things you buy when food shopping!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    As the others have said, fresh is best. When you DO go over, and it will happen:ohwell: , up the water intake, but also up the potassium! Potassium does something chemically with the sodium that helps flush it, or keep the body from absorbing it (I forget which). Here is a link to another topic that has a list of potassium rich foods: Add a few of these everyday, and then bump up the number on high sodium days.:flowerforyou:
  • jaerene
    jaerene Posts: 18 Member
    I didn't realize it until today, but I have the same problem. I have a tendency to use pre-packaged foods, for convenience. I eat instant high fiber or weight control oatmeal, protein bars, etc. I have to plan ahead and prepare my whole weeks breakfasts, lunches, and snacks on Sunday if I'm going to eat less pre-packaged stuff and reduce my sodium. So, if you're like me, my advice would be to spend a chunk of time planning and preparing ahead of time on the weekend. Good luck!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I restrict myself to 1500 sodium a day. My diary is public if you want some ideas for meals & snacks. I've found that if the food is low sodium, almost everything else is low too :)

    Making all your favorite fast food stuff at home is not only cheaper, but healthier & tastier too! Make sure to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily (if you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 oz of water)

    Sodium contributes to water retention. Water retention makes you weigh more. Why work harder than you have to? Cut out as much sodium as you feel comfortable with, and stick with it!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    You have to buy products that say 'no salt' or 'low sodium' (like chicken broth, tomato sauce, anything canned, etc.) for cooking at home. Unfortunately, if you eat in restaurants, it is nearly impossible to keep away from salty foods. But if you keep your salt level as low as you can in the foods you prepare at home, you can balance out the exorbident amounts in restaurant foods. This works for me.
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Sodium is easy to lose a grip on, that's for sure. I'd say stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Fast foods will kill you fast. Use fresh fruits and vegetables over frozen, and frozen over canned. If you can make lunch at home and take it with you to work, you'll save a ton just by staying out of restaurants and fast food joints. Good luck, and let us know how you're doing.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I seem to have the same problem most days. I occasionally have a good sodium day, which usually surprises me. :wink: I've noticed on those days I usually have fresh fruits and veggies more for snack where as other days I'll have packaged snacks like fiber bars or more cheeses. Really bad days are usually caused by packaged meats (hot dogs this weekend), canned soups/stews, or eating out fast food or not. To be honest I eat out very little any more as far as fast food goes, usually if I do it's Subway because I can get healthy choices there. I've also tried to start drinking more water (still working on getting enough EVERYDAY) but especially on the high sodium days, or the day after if I don't that day. I find it's ALL about balance. You'll have high "whatever" days, just balance it with a low "whatever" day. Also, be aware and read your labels when you go shopping. I've noticed a lot of times when something is low fat or something like that the sodium is through the roof! I think maybe they can't make it taste as good without all the fat without bumping up the sodium. Either way, probably not a good choice (and most likely full of other unhealthy, unnatural stuff)

    Good luck, and let us know how you are doing or if you find any tricks to help you out. :flowerforyou:
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I was just going to post the same question. I always go over my sodium!!! Some days are worse than others, but I also try to drink at least 12 glasses of water per day to help flush out all the sodium. Thanks for posting this!! I got some good ideas :-)