For you computer Geeks out there, there is help!

kevrit Posts: 4,431 Member
I found this old tried and true book called "The Hacker's Diet" which is not a lose it quick scheme but gives sensible facts, backed by math, and provides tools to use in losing weight and getting healthy. Follow the like below to find the book. Look around the sites to find the tools, trackers, and exercise ladder to help you make your goal. By the way, the exercises only take about 15 min. a day and address both cardio and muscle with special equipment needed. Have a look!


  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    I found this a few weeks ago and read through it and saved it. It's really quite fantastic. My concern at the time was stopping a diet and trying to maintain and he has some really good advice on that. Probably the best thing was acknowledging that my body's feedback loop is broken, always was and always will be. The advice to stop eating when you are no longer hungry will NEVER work for me! So he keeps tracking (using the brain instead of the body) and so will I.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,431 Member
    I agree, stopping when you are full is not going to work for me either! I especially like the exercise ladder. Starts off slow so just about anyone can do it. You get satisfaction too each time you climb a rung. I got to my maintenance rung once then 'fell off the wagon' now starting it all over again. I hope for life this time. :wink: