I'm losing my mojo :(

I've been doing amazingly, 12lbs so far, 6lbs off my goal weight...and I just seem to be getting a bit slack with myself :( I was so proud of myself and I was like yehhhh you look good and then stopped being good, had pizza on sunday night (hated myself after).

Today I've gone over...not by loads but it makes me angry that I'm letting myself relax...well not that I was on edge to get it all right and under but... well I hope that makes sense.

Someone kick me back into gear, please, shout at me for being a whiney you know what!


  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Sounds like you're getting content, comfortable... lazy. Get back into gear! It's a lifestyle change, not a 30 day diet! Actin' like you don't know any better... smh!

    (i hope that helps)
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    You're totally right, this is a lifestyle change - what the hell am I thinking!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Nothing wrong with having pizza. I assume you didn't eat an entire extra large double cheese deluxe all by yourself, right? :wink: Just log it, work it in and move on. I mean what's the point of living if you can't enjoy a slice of pizza once in a while? 6 lbs from goal is pretty damn good! Get back in gear, but don't beat yourself up too badly either.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    It kinda was a whole 10" pizza....the shame....
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Suck it buttercup and press on. You're getting lazy. Do you want to look like your old self (only 12 lbs) but do you do YOU??????? :tongue:
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    No I looked vile...
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    No I looked vile...

    Ok THEN. Think about why you joined....and there is nothing wrong with a slice or two of pizza.......if it fits...
  • Coynicole
    Coynicole Posts: 1
    I feel your pain but YOU CAN DO IT! I had lost over 30 lbs last year only to gain it all back b/c I just let myself go. I'm now back to it and am determined. Everyone that says this is a lifestyle change is right! Not a "a month or two diet".
    We all have days when we eat more than we should or the wrong things ... the true test is getting past it. We can't fool ourselves and say we aren't going to "be bad" from time to time.... we are human.
    again, You've Got This!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    It kinda was a whole 10" pizza....the shame....

    Oh...well then...BAD BAD BAD....:noway: Now get back to reality! There...scold completed.
  • dysonspacz
    dysonspacz Posts: 76 Member
    Once in a while you'll slip up. It sucks. It happens. You start getting comfortable and let it slide. Tomorrow is a new day. Day by day this is struggle. Most days you win. Some days you lose. When you slip up for days or weeks on end then it's time to beat yourself up.

    Meantime reflect on and be happy with how bad you USED to misbehave when you slip up vs now where it was bad but not nearly as bad as it once was!
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Allow yourself an extra 500 calories one day a week. Trust me, if you eat good for the rest of your week it won't screw up your progress. It gives you a little more freedom so you don't give in to temptation as much!
  • kegger1997
    kegger1997 Posts: 74
    you are so close. don't give up now. i fee; the same way today.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    Allow yourself an extra 500 calories one day a week. Trust me, if you eat good for the rest of your week it won't screw up your progress. It gives you a little more freedom so you don't give in to temptation as much!

    I like this idea, maybe not as much as 500, because that would take me over my TDEE
  • jmsouth5
    jmsouth5 Posts: 138 Member
    **** happens, we sometimes eat like crap, sometimes we feel like crap for eating all the wrong ****. THEEENNNN, we start over and get it together! Just like you are now..

    BTW, I noticed one of your pics >>>>> DON'T FORGET YOUR GOAL!! You've had your answer all along! Switch your profile pic for a little nudge!

    P.S. Very pretty eyes :drinker:
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    P.S. Very pretty eyes :drinker:

    Heh thanks :3
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    You've written before you eat 1200 or less. Maybe that is your problem.
  • It's not about being "good" or "bad" with food. If you are committing to this being a lifestyle change (to get it off and keep it off) then you just have to write it off as a mistake (to eat the whole thing ;) hehe) and move forward. It was a poor choice for nourishment, and just make the next meal be the best you can make it :)

    Be kind to yourself though. You are your best friend on this journey and no one likes a Negative Nancy!

    Best of luck
    CHEMSKIM Posts: 2
    You have to put your 'life style' change hat on because if you're beating yourself up over pizza then I'm afraid maybe you haven't learned anything yet. You have to look at the week as a whole; not as one day at a time. Figure in your pizza time so you can enjoy and not feel terrible about yourself after the fact. You should rejoice in the fact that you are treating yourself like a real human being who enjoys having pizza. But just plan. And I know some nights, you're out with friends or it's just easier to do pizza (or whatever that food is for the day) but make a plan and if you didn't allow for it before, then allow for it the rest of the week. That may be having to do things differently for more than one day to make up for it, but give it a try. Try looking at it a week at a time. And, there are many ways to have pizza and for it to actually be better than having your piece of chicken or fish or whatever you consider a 'good' meal. They are all good meals if you control portions and stay away from the wrongs types of fats, etc.

    Another thing I may try to do if I were you is forget all about that 6# left thingy. So what happens when you meet the 6# you want to lose. Try not weighing yourself for a while and just eat 'healthy' and move and come back in two weeks and see what the result of that is. You will be astounded. I know some folks can't live life without getting on the scale every day but I also find it really extremely rewarding to just do what you know you're supposed to be doing and surprise yourself with the results.

    Believe me, I certainly don't have all the answers and often times when I talk about this it's almost embarrassing because I have lost the same 100# about 6 times in my lifetime so as said, I have a lot to learn. But I've done a lot of things correctly too.
    It's just staying on track and being determined that this is not a 'diet' as we know a 'diet'. It is changing your life's diet for the better.
  • baker150
    baker150 Posts: 112 Member
    I seem to be going through the same thing this last week or 2, i've gotten used to all of the compliments etc, and people constantly telling me I should eat more so I don't get "Too Skinny". But you are allowed to have a few bad days, just don't forget what you're working towards, and that it doesn't matter how long it takes to reach your goals.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks guys really appreciate it!