How to *gently* encourage your partner to get healthy?

Any advice on how to encourage an overweight partner to work on healthier eating/exercise?

Personally, mine doesn't like exercising much and won't go with me. (I've asked, and I think that the's embarrassed to workout in front of others.) I've had some success getting him to walk with me or play sports (the later is definitely the most successful option so far!).

He has also flat out said that he won't eat less and doesn't want to eat healthier. It really concerns me because while he may be OK now, I'm worried about what health issues he may have down the road.

Has anyone had success encouraging their partner to eat healthier/exercise more?



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Little by little and with fun activities, not exercise routines. Maybe start by asking them to walk with you or do a short hike. Play some type of sport like tennis, or go biking. Chance are they will enjoy the sport and start realizeing they want to be better, which could help them along to exercising.

    Eating wise, make healthier choice recipes and have them try them. If you feel comfortable enough, suggest little changes like changing a burger to a chicken sandwhich or fries to a salad or something with less calories. Sewitch sugary drinks to tea or waters. Try making fruit drinks to introduce more fruits. etc.

    Good luck!