Toning at home

I'm hoping that you all can help me here! I have been on MFP for the last year and a half and am down 93 pounds. However, I still have a long ways to go. I want to start doing something to get my body more toned but I really want to do it at home some how. With the gas prices the way they are, and continuing to go up, I can't justify driving 15 minutes to town just to weight lift. Any ideas for things to do at home to help sculpt a person body? Any suggestions would be great! :)

Thanks in advance :)


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    look at

    lots of good body weight workouts there.
  • america_c
    america_c Posts: 60
    I think he meant:
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    Continue to lose body fat while doing a full body progressive compound movement resistance training template to retain lean mass. If this an at home thing then you will need to learn body weight movements or buy a lot of free weights.
  • hrrachu
    hrrachu Posts: 1
    I like to do Jillian MIchaels DVDs when I want to work out at home. You could try to find something on YouTube as well. Also, never underestimate the power of a good push-up to keep those arms toned :). I hope you find something that works for you!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Take it one by one!

    Things you will need:

    1)MP3 player with music
    2)belt to wrap around your belly to increase cal burn.
    4)The Beast inside you!

    I workout 2 times a day. If you have time in the morning to workout i recommend RUN, do cardio in the morning. Go as fast as you can and take breaks once you are running. As time goes on you will run faster and longer and notice the wait dropping. Sprinting is a number one fat burner and body toner, but you must drink WATER to make this work right!(and eat right)
    If you have time at lunch or one you get home from work then I recommend yuo do a weight liftting session. Start of with arm curls, next day squats then chest and so on. Its good to have your week planned for your workouts. Have your next meal in mind and for the next day.

    KEY ITEMS: Water , music player, Beast inside you!

    Always stretch before & after your workout. And always warm up the body before you go all out. Start with 30 jumping Jacks and 20 push-ups or 15 burpees. For starters. Keep that as your everyday warm up and you should beon the way to a fit body in no time!:glasses:

    20%FITNESS / 80% Nutrition
  • addiepray80
    addiepray80 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm all about using your own body weight to tone.... Lots of squats, lots of push ups, lots of crunches... and all sorts of variations of those exercises. I lost approximately 100 lbs over the last three years, the first 50 I lost just by walking almost everyday and "watching" what I ate; that took about 2 years. The last 50 I've lost with the help of MFP and incorporating "strength training" into my workout. I have never stepped foot in a gym on this weight loss journey. You absolutely can tone up without using weights or a gym membership. I also do yoga several times a week. I have abs I NEVER thought I'd be able to see; I have muscles in my arms; my legs are toned. It's hard work and it's sooo worth it!
  • blooming_soul
    blooming_soul Posts: 22 Member
    I HATE going to the gym and have managed to lose 60lbs by changing my eating habits, using MFP, walking a lot, swimming (in the summer), hiking, doing 30-day workout challenges (like 30-Day Shred or Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels) and also free yoga! is a great site with different levels and types of yoga. For example, there's one class named "Bodacious Booty"! haha...

    Anyways, you DONT need to pay money to be healthier. You just need the motivation to give yourself a good workout on your own. Buy some hand weights and a few videos and you'll be ship shape in no time! :bigsmile:

    Just found these too: -military guy who wrote books about how to "be your own gym" no equipment required! -site with various workout videos and information, very thorough!

    I am also looking to tone up my body after losing a bunch of weight...hope you find something that works for you!!
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Take it one by one!

    Things you will need:

    1)MP3 player with music
    2)belt to wrap around your belly to increase cal burn.
    4)The Beast inside you!

    I workout 2 times a day. If you have time in the morning to workout i recommend RUN, do cardio in the morning. Go as fast as you can and take breaks once you are running. As time goes on you will run faster and longer and notice the wait dropping. Sprinting is a number one fat burner and body toner, but you must drink WATER to make this work right!(and eat right)
    If you have time at lunch or one you get home from work then I recommend yuo do a weight liftting session. Start of with arm curls, next day squats then chest and so on. Its good to have your week planned for your workouts. Have your next meal in mind and for the next day.

    KEY ITEMS: Water , music player, Beast inside you!

    Always stretch before & after your workout. And always warm up the body before you go all out. Start with 30 jumping Jacks and 20 push-ups or 15 burpees. For starters. Keep that as your everyday warm up and you should beon the way to a fit body in no time!:glasses:

    20%FITNESS / 80% Nutrition

    ^^Complete Broscience

    If your primary concern is body composition (which I'm assuming you mean when you say 'tone') your best option would be to lift heavy. Since the gym isn't something you seem particularly keen on I will second nerd fitness. Other than that you can look into Convict Conditioning or You Are Your Own Gym. Both are full body weight routines designed to get progressively more difficult.

    Other than that you're going to have to eat at a deficit and get down to a low enough body fat to obtain the lean look you appear to be after.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    another vote for
    you are your own gym YAYOG
  • rachjenn
    rachjenn Posts: 87
    I do all my stuff at home except running which I do outside. Here's what I do...

    Pilates with a DVD
    Leg exercises (squats/lunges etc) with dumbbells - hurting at the moment as I did this yesterday/today morning, ouch!!!
    Resistance bands - brilliant for toning each body part

    Hope this helps!