brand new & juice fasting!

Hi everyone, my name is Val and I'm 19 years old. Deciding to juice fast wasn't on a whim for me at all. I've been enthralled with the idea ever since watching the documentary "fat, sick, and nearly dead" months ago. I'm 5'4 and my highest weight was 185 lbs. I'm currently 159 and I feel like my body is in desperate need of a reboot. Even though I've lost some weight I feel tired all the time. I've recently realized it was because I was losing weight based solely off of calorie counting. I hadn't changed my diet- just counted it.
My doctor says I have a very good chance (because of my family history) to become pre-diabetic in a few years if I don't drastically change my lifestyle. That was a huge kick up the *kitten* for me. My father's extremely unhealthy (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart strain, the works.) and my doctor's saying my younger brother (who is very obese already) is heading down the same path and I could very likely follow.
I'm planning on a 30 day juice fast to reboot my system. After I'm done I'm planning to stick to a diet of 75% vegetables and fruit and nuts and 25% meat and dairy and bread, basically.
add me if you want! I feel like the more people who know about my juice fasting, the more likely I am to make it the 30 days. I have a tumblr ( but I haven't really set it up yet.


  • medicvaldez
    medicvaldez Posts: 42 Member
    It's the i LOVED that movie, and did the fast too, couldn't do it for the full 30 but I got 14 in and it was amazing!!! I hated every second of the fast because I missed chewing...little did I know you could actually eat while you do it lol Good luck your going to feel amazing!!! I still juice everyday!