Home Gym Advise

For a lot of reasons I won't go into going to a gym is not an option for me. I've made it a point to workout at home and cardio I have well covered. But strength training is another issue entirely.

I'm curious to here from other home gym people what sort of equipment you use. I currently have a treadmill, and some basic dumbbell weights from 1lb to 15lbs. What are some other things I could get to round out my home gym?

One thing I've been looking at, is the Bowflex Revolution. Since I've read so many positive reviews on it.


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    craiglist: second hand barbell and weights with a bench. If you have space a squat rack. That is everything you need :smile:
  • kluedesigns
    kluedesigns Posts: 72 Member
    i have a very extensive home gym (treadmill, stairmaster, spinning bike, heavy bag, kettlebells, TRX, weight bench, squat rack, pullup bar, etc) the items i use the most are - spinning bike, heavy bag, kettlebells, TRX, and yoga mat.

    i would never go without those 5 items.

    my favorite form of weight lifting is kettlebells - i don't use my weight bench or my squat rack any longer.
  • sweetpea101077
    sweetpea101077 Posts: 58 Member
    My husband got a bowflex and he loves it. We specially liked it was more compact, but is is good when you need to do strength training. We used to be a member at a gym, and while the gym has it's benefits, we found that having our own home gym worked much better for us. But it doesn't matter what you choose, just have to make sure you are going to use whatever you get :)
  • dlipe
    dlipe Posts: 4
    I have a treadmill, elliptical, free weights, bands, and a bow flex. I don't necessarily use all of these things all of the time, but I try to use them as much as possible. I also found a non for profit organization that offers free dance and workout classes 6 days a week. Two of the classes are ran by a certified personal trainer. He always tells us that we don't need a gym or all of the fancy machinery. All we need is our own body weight. Here are some of the things we do in class:

    Mountain Climbers
    Dirty Dogs (aka Fire Hydrant)
    Sit Ups
    Bear Crawils
    Crab Walk

    Our classes are an hour long. We usually do each exercise 3 times each for 30-45 seconds with minimal rest in between sets.

    If you don't know how to do any of these, just Google them. I'm sure there are more than one way to do some of these. I have a couple of lingering issues with my back, knee, and hamstring so I have to do the modified version on some the exercises.

    I hope this helps.
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    I second this!
    craiglist: second hand barbell and weights with a bench. If you have space a squat rack. That is everything you need :smile:
  • snooj
    snooj Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a big fan of free weights. My home gym has a small squat stand ($100), but a power rack would be better if you have the money and space. I also have an Oly barbell ($70), rubber plates (rubber is more expensive, but less likely to damage the floor), a plate rack ($70), an adjustable dumbbell set, a pullup bar that goes in the doorway ($20), a bench, and some mats for protection ($60). I find the dumbbells really annoying because they're threaded, but it's way cheaper and takes up less space than a bunch of dumbbells. I'm currently doing Starting Strength and can do everything at home.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    craiglist: second hand barbell and weights with a bench. If you have space a squat rack. That is everything you need :smile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ^^^ basic setups (non olympic) will be fine until you can lift over about 150kg (330lbs). Deadlifts are the hardest on bars. I bent 2 before I had to upgrade. (was DLing around 190-200kg)
  • TJMiddaugh
    TJMiddaugh Posts: 67 Member
    you should look into body weight exercises also. i work out at home, all i have is some dumbells, (i also use leg/wrist weights to add weight to my dumbells if needed, beats spending a bunch of money on bigger dumbells if you just need to adjust the weight by 5-10 lbs and you can also use them in your cardio exercises too) i have a gaiam resistance bands and 8lbs medicine ball. planks, push ups, jump squats, burpees, are all really great body weight style exercises. reverse crunches, leg lifts, all sorts of diferent core strength exercises that you need minimal equipment to do. you dont need any expensive home gym to work out. go to you tube and check some different exercise options with dumbells, and bodyweight. i get a better work out at home than i do at a gym with all their expensive equipment. these exercises are more of functional exercises anyways. will work alot more than just 1 major muscle group. like most machines do. that way you can make all the weird noises you want, the music is always on your favorite channel, and nobody is trying to have a lengthy conversation with you. seriously check out this website scoobysworkshop.com this is an old school body builder who shows you how to train at home and has everything that you will need built right into his sight. no fads just brass tax stuff. he shows you how to utilize your surroundings to get a solid workout without crazy expensive equipment. this is for men and women. all sorts of videos on correct form and posture, and lifting plus all the exercise's you will need no matter what level your at. its awesome
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    I'm a big fan of free weights. My home gym has a small squat stand ($100), but a power rack would be better if you have the money and space. I also have an Oly barbell ($70), rubber plates (rubber is more expensive, but less likely to damage the floor), a plate rack ($70), an adjustable dumbbell set, a pullup bar that goes in the doorway ($20), a bench, and some mats for protection ($60). I find the dumbbells really annoying because they're threaded, but it's way cheaper and takes up less space than a bunch of dumbbells. I'm currently doing Starting Strength and can do everything at home.

    I have a power rack, bench, and Olympic barbell. I wish I had rubber plates! That and an elliptical trainer is almost all I ever use. We put rubber floor tiles down on the basement floor which is really nice for working out on, but it's hard to keep clean. I have a PowerBlock dumbbell set, but I only use them if I'm working out with my wife and she's using the bar. I have a big whiteboard on the wall for keeping track of stuff..

    I have a dozen other little exercise gizmos that I only use when I feel guilty about never using them.
  • snooj
    snooj Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a big fan of free weights. My home gym has a small squat stand ($100), but a power rack would be better if you have the money and space. I also have an Oly barbell ($70), rubber plates (rubber is more expensive, but less likely to damage the floor), a plate rack ($70), an adjustable dumbbell set, a pullup bar that goes in the doorway ($20), a bench, and some mats for protection ($60). I find the dumbbells really annoying because they're threaded, but it's way cheaper and takes up less space than a bunch of dumbbells. I'm currently doing Starting Strength and can do everything at home.

    I have a power rack, bench, and Olympic barbell. I wish I had rubber plates! That and an elliptical trainer is almost all I ever use. We put rubber floor tiles down on the basement floor which is really nice for working out on, but it's hard to keep clean. I have a PowerBlock dumbbell set, but I only use them if I'm working out with my wife and she's using the bar. I have a big whiteboard on the wall for keeping track of stuff..

    I have a dozen other little exercise gizmos that I only use when I feel guilty about never using them.[\b]

    This is why I'm not really a fan of gizmos! They just get ignored. OP, get something that will handle the big major exercises. Everything else is just extra.

    Also, this condo renter is jealous of you basement folk. I can't even modify the floor or anything, just have to pray I don't wreck the lovely wood floor. There's already a few scratches, whoops!
  • VistaJerry
    VistaJerry Posts: 45
    I have a more elaborate home gym, but the only true necessities for me was a treadmill and my own body weight. Then I invested in a Precor Home gym, and it covered a lot of my needs.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i have an exercise stationary bike AND
    i do exercise videos on you tube AND WALK
    i would like to own an eliptical