Turning a new leaf! :)

Hey guys. I'm Jen; 30/f/va just looking to try a new approach to this weight loss deal.

I've tried Weight Watchers Online for the last 3 months or so, and honestly, while I think the program is great, and easy, and all that, I just don't feel like the community is very welcoming of the "morbidly obese". I browse the message boards over there and all these people seem to have started out looking like a twig, and somehow have miraculously wielded themselves into a toothpick. I don't know. People were nice, but I just didn't feel...right.

So a little background...I've been dealing with binge eating disorder for a little more than 13 years now, and I've been in therapy for quite some time. I was a single mom for what seemed like ever (I have a 12 year old and a 4 year old), but I've been in a great relationship for the last 3 years now, and I'm getting married on June 1st! So aside from wedding drama and therapy, I guess I've just decided to start trying to open up to people and start doing things again.

I joined a gym just today, and signed up with a trainer. I lost about 15 lbs on Weight Watchers in the three months I've been on it, then gained it back, but now that I've learned a few things about what's good for me and what's not, I think that maybe I'm ready to try something new.......and let's be honest, Weight Watchers costs money. I think I'm at a point now where I'd rather pay for a gym membership than an online food calculator. So...here I am, and I'm really excited to meet some like minded individuals that might be dealing with something similar.

Anyway...thanks for reading, and I hope to see you guys around to boards, or on blogs, and whatnot. I'm looking forward to possibly friending some of you guys and forming some healthy relationships! :)