Non-expensive nutrition plan?



  • esme1983
    esme1983 Posts: 60
    So I know how many calories I need to eat to lose steadily... but then I get a bit lost when it comes to what to eat to build the lean muscle. It can't be THAT simple can it, otherwise why are people paying so much for nutrition plans :indifferent:

    It seems you should eat around 2g protein for each kilogram, so do you work your carb/ fat around that figure?

    So are you looking to lose fat and build muscle?
    Or Just focused fat loss?
    Or just focused muscle gain?

    I'm getting conflicting messages.

    Muscle gain is a caloric surplus.
    Fat loss is a slight caloric deficit.
    Recomp is eating high, up to 20-30% above TDEE on lift days, and eating low -10%-20% below TDEE on rest days.

    In any event a good plan is as follows:

    A pound of chicken a day.
    or a pound of beef a day.
    or a pound of turkey a day.
    1/4-1/2 cup almonds or walnuts a day.
    Plenty of green veg like broccoli, asparagus, spinach etc.
    2-5 cups fruit of various types, apple a day etc....
    Olive oil and coconut oil are both in my pantry and both are very good for you.

    Get 1g protein per pound of lean mass.
    .30g-.70g fat per pound of lean mass.
    Fill the rest with complex carbs.

    PM me if you need help.

    Thanks for that - thanks to everyone, in fact. So basically, I lost a few stone last year through running and calorie counting (anything went, no macros, just calories) but I got kind of thin and wobbly. I have put a few lbs back on again and had a few to go anyway so I want to lose those, but I want to build lean muscle rather than just burn up fat/ muscle because I prefer the look.

    So, I guess I need to have a calorie deficit in order to lose the weight... but up my protein intake to preserve the muscle... is that right?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    So I know how many calories I need to eat to lose steadily... but then I get a bit lost when it comes to what to eat to build the lean muscle. It can't be THAT simple can it, otherwise why are people paying so much for nutrition plans :indifferent:

    It seems you should eat around 2g protein for each kilogram, so do you work your carb/ fat around that figure?

    So are you looking to lose fat and build muscle?
    Or Just focused fat loss?
    Or just focused muscle gain?

    I'm getting conflicting messages.

    Muscle gain is a caloric surplus.
    Fat loss is a slight caloric deficit.
    Recomp is eating high, up to 20-30% above TDEE on lift days, and eating low -10%-20% below TDEE on rest days.

    In any event a good plan is as follows:

    A pound of chicken a day.
    or a pound of beef a day.
    or a pound of turkey a day.
    1/4-1/2 cup almonds or walnuts a day.
    Plenty of green veg like broccoli, asparagus, spinach etc.
    2-5 cups fruit of various types, apple a day etc....
    Olive oil and coconut oil are both in my pantry and both are very good for you.

    Get 1g protein per pound of lean mass.
    .30g-.70g fat per pound of lean mass.
    Fill the rest with complex carbs.

    PM me if you need help.

    Thanks for that - thanks to everyone, in fact. So basically, I lost a few stone last year through running and calorie counting (anything went, no macros, just calories) but I got kind of thin and wobbly. I have put a few lbs back on again and had a few to go anyway so I want to lose those, but I want to build lean muscle rather than just burn up fat/ muscle because I prefer the look.

    So, I guess I need to have a calorie deficit in order to lose the weight... but up my protein intake to preserve the muscle... is that right?
    Yup, that's the long and short of it.