Funny thing today at the mall.....and other thoughts...

kspeach Posts: 179 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
So I had to walk the shopping mall today, since there was a threat of thunderstorms (rain is fine....lightning is NOT!), plus my body isn't yet used to exercising in the heat/humidity....

One thing I noticed, is that sometimes YOU feel like you're FLYING, and then someone is walking next to you and not even breaking a sweat, or it looks from a distance that they are going super slow....

FUNNY...........when a fat girl like myself is booking it at 3-3.5 MPH around the mall, and is passing the skinny girls...THEY start walking FASTER! I mean, if a fat girl is passing them, it messes with their minds. Bwaaa haaa haaaaaa. :)

The other thing I thought about today....and I'm trying to use it to keep ME from getting discouraged, is when all these super skinny people FLY by me walking (either outside or at the mall). First thing I do is change course. I'm enough OCD (if I can't do it PERFECTLY and the BEST, I have a hard time doing it at all) that I have to do that.

Plus, I look at these 110 pound 24 year old girl wonders, and think 'Well, if they had 10 of the 10 pound sacks of potatoes to carry around there's no way they'd be going even as fast as me! (100 pounds!!)

Have a great day! :)
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