Which would give the best workout

There was a nice interval training programme in my local newspaper the other day it was saying how for a good work out you could mark out a 100m running distance and run 10x 100 meter sprints as fast as you can. However it suggest running 100m as fast as you possibly can then walking back to the start point sprint 100m walk back the start part doing this over and over again till you have ran the 100m 10 and walked it back 10 times so on so forth. It says if you cant mark out the territory then to run 30 seconds then walk 30 seconds etc instead. It said to aim for 6-10 sets of this activity and if possible progress to 40:40 50:50 60:60 runs/sprints. It claims that it will increase training intensity into an aerobic state to stimulate excess post-exercise oxygen consumption resulting in the metabolism being raised for upto 48 hours after you have performed the sprints.

Now to my question would this kind of work out be more beneficial to working out on a stationary bike? At the moment im doing 30-60 mins per day on the stationary bike at 20-25mph covering a distance of 11miles upwards with medium resistance.

I like to do the bike as its a real good work out for my legs hips and bum would I get the same benefits from the sprinting intervals exercises?

Thanks in advance for any replies


  • kbbauchle
    kbbauchle Posts: 17 Member
    You will get BETTER results than a stagnate run or ride. Search interval training and you will see lots of info. Here is one to start
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    I guess a stagnate ride/run is me sitting on my arese on the bike lol I will check out the article thanks :-)
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    My .02 about HIIT...

    I think it works best when you run compared to about any other form for a simple reason of logistics - you can't fake staying upright and keeping your legs churning. It's just too easy to taper off the effort (intensity) sitting on a bike or swimming in a pool. You can do HIIT with pretty much any exercise but it is so hard to truly do high intensity that it helps me to have an activity that keeps me honest. A lot of people think they do HIIT. If your legs aren't churning until your lungs are burning, it's not HIIT.