Ideas on how to increase calories?

lydaugherty Posts: 69
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss

If you can see today and tomorrow's (which i've preplanned/filled out) food journal, I basically eat the same thing every day.
But I'm just recovering from an illness, so I've just been working on my diet. I'm going to slowly start working out 3 days a week to start, but I'm not sure how to increase my calories without going crazy.

I am a recovering sugarholic, popoholic, carboholic, and my veggies only consist of fresh sweet potatoes, canned green beans and peas (no salt added version). The only fruits I'll really eat are apples, bananas, and frozen strawberries really.

I've been working on my "lifestyle change" for 14 months now. While it's not perfect, and I slip up a lot, this is the best I can do right now, so I know most of you will say "add broccoli, spinach, more fruits," etc etc, but it's easier said than done and there is just simply no more wiggle room on my taste buds end to accept any other vegetable at this time. (yes, my taste buds and I have debated for months and months but they are done arguing and can't take it anymore, hehe, and it made sticking to better eating.. very hard.)

Also, as it is now, I am full a lot. I eat every two to three hours, and drink water a lot. Most of the time, I can't even finish what's on my plate (like, 8oz of chicken, a cup of green beans and a half cup of pinto beans - I can't finish it all!)

I was just wondering if there were other options that I might not know about, that could help increase calories.

Perhaps, protein shakes or a recovery drink after workout?


  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    protein shakes, avocado, you could double your nut butters and nuts. You could also eat real eggs. If you cut up your meals into 4-5 meals you may be able to eat more of your protein
  • leeloolilo
    leeloolilo Posts: 8 Member
    A hard boiled egg after my workout and whole wheat toast is something I enjoy. It gives me my protein fix, and my fiber too.

    Pretty darn smart of you to pre-plan your meals.

    I've also gotten hooked on baking a cookie sheet of veggies. I know, I know, frankly I have a really hard enjoying my vegetables too. What I do is I cut up onions, potatoes, garlic cloves, and two other veggies I think I could try that week and bake them all with a drizzle of olive oil. Then I sprinkle on red pepper flakes. Will you eat onions, garlic, and potatoes with a steak dinner? When you "hide" the other veggies in the mix with them it's easier to eat. I bet sweet potatoes would be good in the mix too! :smile:

    It's also not that filling. Unless you really load it with potatoes.
  • protein shakes, avocado, you could double your nut butters and nuts. You could also eat real eggs. If you cut up your meals into 4-5 meals you may be able to eat more of your protein

    Ah, the downfall of my lazyness... I'd rather just pour out some eggbeaters than crack up and mix 2 or 3 eggs, lol.
    Avacado.. now that's something I've not tried yet.
    A hard boiled egg after my workout and whole wheat toast is something I enjoy. It gives me my protein fix, and my fiber too.

    Pretty darn smart of you to pre-plan your meals.

    I've also gotten hooked on baking a cookie sheet of veggies. I know, I know, frankly I have a really hard enjoying my vegetables too. What I do is I cut up onions, potatoes, garlic cloves, and two other veggies I think I could try that week and bake them all with a drizzle of olive oil. Then I sprinkle on red pepper flakes. Will you eat onions, garlic, and potatoes with a steak dinner? When you "hide" the other veggies in the mix with them it's easier to eat. I bet sweet potatoes would be good in the mix too! :smile:

    It's also not that filling. Unless you really load it with potatoes.

    I find it absolutely necessary to pre-plan my meals! I usually eat about the same thing anyway, but if I don't plan it, then it's hard for me to just walk into the kitchen and say "hey.. I'm going to eat this, and this and that." I Just always want to make sure I know what I am eating BEFORE I eat it. (Can anybody say, control freak?)

    Sadly, our gas oven doesn't work when it's windy, rainy, snowing. So basically it never works. (Which is a good thing, it made me stop home-making pizza. lol) I like the idea of red-pepper flakes.
    I'm actually not too big into the bread/bagels/rolls/cereal/oatmeal kind of things right now, It's not that I'm anti-bread.... (Oh I'd love me some Italian bread) whole grain or not, I'd rather pass on those carbs.

    I almost forgot onions existed. I do like onions - barely. I do cook with them sometimes, and they are do-able. It's weird, doing/eating the same thing every day, forgetting really what else is out there, hah!
  • HEasom
    HEasom Posts: 16

    I noticed that your not drinking very much water - you should definitely up that amount to 8 for a start. Also to up your calories just start with walking for exercise just half an hour would give you an extra 100 cals. when I started mfp I use to live above where i work, now I've moved and walk at least 25 minutes a day, then walk to the gym too now. it all adds up. also maybe try and eat more filing things for breakfast like oatmeal with banana.

    good luck.

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