Hello! :)

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a 30 year old woman living in the UK with plenty of lbs to shed :)

I currently weigh 219 lbs and would like to get down to about 140, although maybe a tad lower. I'm 5'7'' and although I've tried calorie counting before, this was way before mobile apps and I couldn't keep up with flicking through the mini calorie book that was almost too small to read and trying to write everything in a book that I had to drag round with me everywhere.

I gave MFP a go yesterday and was super happy to see all the foods from the UK supermarkets showing up so I'm hoping that this will work for me this time. At the same time I'm also doing the 5:2 diet but MFP seems a much better way of monitoring my actual calorie intake than my own memory as my calculations have been waaaaay off!

Well, that's about it! Pleasure to 'meet' all of you :)