My 11 year old daughter now weighs more than me!



  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Watch the documentary "weight of a nation" on HBO with her. Don't make it about her. Just watch. It is an eye opener for people of all ages.
  • breofca
    breofca Posts: 2
    Sometimes Talking to her is the BEST medicine. Tell her you are worried, I know that if my parents did that to me at that age, I would have done a lot differently. Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and I believe that if I could go back in time, it wouldn't matter how advanced some advice was for my youth, I would still want it said to me. Tough love is what will help. You should talk to her.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    OP deactivated. . poorly trolled.
  • vegmama
    vegmama Posts: 2
    Similar situation here. I always try to encourage "healthy" choice even though both of us parents are working to get back into shape and not always perfect examples. We found a sport my daughter liked, saw a dietician, and eventually addressed her anxiety issues. She tells me that dealing with the anxiety is what has helped her scale back on her eating the most. also found some support for myself reading The Heavy. It helped me not feel so alone in our battle.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Well, the peer pressure from teen girls will set in soon enough. Then you'll complain she doesn't eat enough. ;^) Stop stressing over her and just set the healthy example already.
  • _blizzard_
    _blizzard_ Posts: 40 Member
    Whatever modifications she needs, you should do them too. Eat healthy and work out together. Take her to the doctor to get a nutrition and activity plan. Send a copy of it to her dad so that he knows it's serious. I think as long as you are encouraging and loving and don't EVER use the F word (FAT) then things should go smoothly. I was an overweight child and my dad did everything wrong. Called me fat and other mean names at a very young age, talked about my body right in front of me like I couldn't hear him, would tell me to exercise then take me to McDonald's. I suffered an eating disorder and still to this day have a very low self image of myself. Just love her and be there for her. Do it together!