I need a meal plan and help!!

Marjo101 Posts: 4 Member
For the past 3 years I've been struggling with my weight. I did weight watchers 3 years ago went from 180-135. Slowly over the years I've gained it all back. I've tried everything! Now I'm back with a trainer and she has me on a high protien, no dairy or sugar or fruit diet. But I'm getting bored of what I'm eating.
Breakfast: egg whites w/ oatmeal
Snack: popcorn
Lunch 5/6oz white fish, or chicken,greens and a starch
Snack: ??? (Not sure what to eat)
Dinner 5/60z protien and a huge salad, no starchy carbs
Any help would be much appreciated


  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Breakfast could also be scrambled egg white with black beans and salsa! Do you have a juicer? vegetable juice is a once a week breakfast for me! (beets/carrots/cucumbers/celery, you name it!)

    Snack could be: carrots and hummus! (homemade hummus is delicious/easy/cheap), or a half an avocado with sunflower seeds (keeps you full forever, and its delicious!), a handful of almonds, edamame with sea salt, low sodium beef jerkey (look for one with fewest ingredients),

    Lunches/dinners: (do you cook?) Soups and curries are great go tos for me for healthy meals, the broth helps keep you full and full flavored spices keep you satisfied!
    Cauliflower soup: slightly steam cauliflower for about 20 minutes, drain. Heat olive oil and add diced onion and cauliflower, sauté for about 25 min. Add broth and blend. Spice to your taste buds! Curry powder or truffle oil or anything ya like! Delicious, super filling.

    Curry: coconut milk is wonderful for you, has healthy fats that fill you up: I like to make my own red or green curry paste, throw in tons of peppers and onions and snap peas, some chicken or shrimp, and coconut milk, and tada: no processed carbs, well rounded meal that keeps you full forever, or you can add some broth and make it more of a soup!

    one of my favorite soups is pumpkin turkey chili (go to allrecipes dot com, search, and disregard the sour cream and cheddar, I also add hot sauce!): the canned pumpkin gives you tons of fiber, the turkey and beans give you lots of protein, and a cup of that will keep me full for hours (and I have a ravenous appetite!) You can make a large batch and freeze in small portions for meals!

    no need for healthy to be totally boring friend! also, I am not a trainer or nutritionist, but honestly I would never completely cut out fruit unless you have a medical reason, cut down? yes, esp in major weight loss mode, but cut out completely? meh. Maybe one low glycemic fruit every other day (berriesssss!)

    Hope that was helpful?
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    From what I know, weight loss is all about calories, and unless you have any medical condition and/or allergies, you don't have to restrict any foods.

    Yes high protein is definitely good, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fruit. as long as it fits your caloric goal!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Do a Google search for Paleo recipes, it should turn up quite a bit. Paleo stuff is generally going to consist of meat and vegetables, with little, if any, fruit (and usually things like berries and avocados when there is fruit), and will also be dairy-free, so you should be able to use them as they are written.