240 days and nada! I need some new friends...



  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, anyone can feel free to add me. I have quite a few friends because I never turn anyone down. I try to be motivating and supportive to everyone. My group of friends are the best. They are very supportive and helpful.
  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    i get that motivation is key here, but i dont really think cheap comments are all that inspiring. you should really be doing this for yourself, who cares if random people on the site say anything? they cant truly see the progress you've made.

    now, real life friends and family saying something is a totally different story. im in no way trying to sound condescending or anything (hopefully i dont come off that way), i just think its not as big a deal as your making it out to be in the end.

    But of course. However, this is weight loss/fitness social networking site, where you get together to help each other. I'm not selfish about it. I'm plenty supportive to other people, and it's nice to get it in return. Weight is something that I know a lot of people have to battle, and I was really just saying that it's better to fight the battle with help and support.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i have a friends list full of supportive wonderful people. i got them because i came on here to the introduce yourself board and wrote a post that was open and honest and told people who i was and what i was looking for.

    good honest people gravitate to a like mind. maybe try that?
  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    i have a friends list full of supportive wonderful people. i got them because i came on here to the introduce yourself board and wrote a post that was open and honest and told people who i was and what i was looking for.

    good honest people gravitate to a like mind. coming on and saying your current friends suck, is a little off putting.

    Hey, people are gonna love what I said, or hate what I said but at the end of the day, at least I was honest. If that's off putting to you, I'm OK with that. I find it off putting that people who don't like what I say care enough to comment...

    I AM on here to make friends, but you can't be friends with everyone.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    They don't notice anything I do anyway, so I'm alienating them how? You think they're gonna notice this? I don't...

    Why do you keep them as friends if they don't fulfill their part of the friendship? Is it really necessary to openly call them out for not supporting you? Your methods don't really inspire me to want to be your friend. I would honestly rather you just cut me if you aren't satisfied with our friendship than to blast me in the forums. But good luck with that.

    Is it really necessary for YOU to call ME out? You could EASILY have ignored my post. If you don't want to be my friend, I'm ok with that.

    Just thought I'd bring to your attention something that my be preventing you from finding supportive friends. It's a two-way street, you know.

    That is not your job...I appreciate what you are trying to do. I should be able to voice how I feel without criticisms or feeling like I said something wrong.

    I said it on the first page, very high maintenance!!!!
  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    They don't notice anything I do anyway, so I'm alienating them how? You think they're gonna notice this? I don't...

    Why do you keep them as friends if they don't fulfill their part of the friendship? Is it really necessary to openly call them out for not supporting you? Your methods don't really inspire me to want to be your friend. I would honestly rather you just cut me if you aren't satisfied with our friendship than to blast me in the forums. But good luck with that.

    Is it really necessary for YOU to call ME out? You could EASILY have ignored my post. If you don't want to be my friend, I'm ok with that.

    Just thought I'd bring to your attention something that my be preventing you from finding supportive friends. It's a two-way street, you know.

    That is not your job...I appreciate what you are trying to do. I should be able to voice how I feel without criticisms or feeling like I said something wrong.

    I said it on the first page, very high maintenance!!!!

    SMH, you're entitled to your opinion. But why you need to keep voicing it is beyond me.
  • Mzgarcia10
    Mzgarcia10 Posts: 24 Member
    I just sent you a request. I'm pretty active and expect the Same from my friends.
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    feel free to add me.... I am on everyday.... and I have logged religiously for about 220 days......... :)
    congrats on your 240!!!!! :happy:
  • fitznewme2013
    way to go on 240. Add me if you would like. Im a daily logger and interact daily with my friends. good luck to you!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    They don't notice anything I do anyway, so I'm alienating them how? You think they're gonna notice this? I don't...

    Why do you keep them as friends if they don't fulfill their part of the friendship? Is it really necessary to openly call them out for not supporting you? Your methods don't really inspire me to want to be your friend. I would honestly rather you just cut me if you aren't satisfied with our friendship than to blast me in the forums. But good luck with that.

    Is it really necessary for YOU to call ME out? You could EASILY have ignored my post. If you don't want to be my friend, I'm ok with that.

    Just thought I'd bring to your attention something that my be preventing you from finding supportive friends. It's a two-way street, you know.

    That is not your job...I appreciate what you are trying to do. I should be able to voice how I feel without criticisms or feeling like I said something wrong.

    I said it on the first page, very high maintenance!!!!

    SMH, you're entitled to your opinion. But why you need to keep voicing it is beyond me.
    Maybe the same reason you continue to voice yours? Maybe because this is a public forum and people are free to say what they want?

    "I can post my opinion and put my current friends on blast, but dammit, you better keep your mouth shut if you don't like it!!" <<<<<<<<<<<<Not how this works, sweetcheeks.

    Welcome to the real world.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    sent you a request :) I log daily and love interaction!
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    I am on every day and do have some supportive friends on this site and at the gym.. I think that is what gets
    me to the gym and keeps me logging. You can add me if you want someone who will comment on your food
    and exercise. Mostly the exercise part.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Congrats on sticking with it for 240 days! I'm here if you need another friend.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I try to be supportive, but I find myself not commenting on the number of days. I also don't comment on calories burned. I comment on weight loss. That is my main motivator and I want to give props to those that are losing. You can stick to your diet without logging every day, or you can log every day and cheat all the time. To me, the proof is in the inches and pounds lost.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    They don't notice anything I do anyway, so I'm alienating them how? You think they're gonna notice this? I don't...

    Why do you keep them as friends if they don't fulfill their part of the friendship? Is it really necessary to openly call them out for not supporting you? Your methods don't really inspire me to want to be your friend. I would honestly rather you just cut me if you aren't satisfied with our friendship than to blast me in the forums. But good luck with that.

    Is it really necessary for YOU to call ME out? You could EASILY have ignored my post. If you don't want to be my friend, I'm ok with that.

    Just thought I'd bring to your attention something that my be preventing you from finding supportive friends. It's a two-way street, you know.

    That is not your job...I appreciate what you are trying to do. I should be able to voice how I feel without criticisms or feeling like I said something wrong.

    I said it on the first page, very high maintenance!!!!

    SMH, you're entitled to your opinion. But why you need to keep voicing it is beyond me.
    Maybe the same reason you continue to voice yours? Maybe because this is a public forum and people are free to say what they want?

    "I can post my opinion and put my current friends on blast, but dammit, you better keep your mouth shut if you don't like it!!" <<<<<<<<<<<<Not how this works, sweetcheeks.

    Welcome to the real world.
    Because yes.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If this thread is any indication of what being your friend is like...good luck with that! :flowerforyou:

    So far what I've gathered is that if your friends don't comment and lift you up and "support" you, you will publicly call them out in an open forum rather than posting your concerns on your wall. If someone objects to what you're saying, you tell them to shut up because you can say what you want and be all judgy, but if someone else points out something they don't have any right to speak because you are "voicing your opinion".

    How much lifting up and supporting do you do? It has been my experience with threads like these, the OP is usually just as guilty if not even more guilty of not posting or communicating with anyone on their friends list.

    And finally, if you need your friends to help you with your goals, so much so that you felt the need to post this thread in the manner that you did, you're going to have a fun ride in life. Enjoy it! :drinker:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member

    i have an awesome FL....sometimes when I post something there's crickets....i don't care...they can't be on here ALL the time....and I know they wish me well in spirit, if not in helvetica.

    but you know what....when I really need them, they are there...

    but it's reciprocal....when they really need me...i try to be there...

    i'm thinking that if you are getting crickets, then they feel that they are getting crickets from you....

    like attracts like...so what are YOU doing to make sure your FL is fully supportive?

    Calling them out like this isn't a very good indicator to be honest....

    Jus sayin.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Way too high maintenance for me.

    You can ask anyone on my FL how much I post on their daily logins, their completed food diaries and their exercise and I bet all of them would tell you its a big fat ZERO. I do not randomly say WTG, and I rarely if ever tell them to exercise. I do not see any reason to say those things for doing something everyday that they should be doing, and I do not expect them to say it to me. Its nice when they do but its not expected.

    Hell I never even expect them to comment on my status updates or write on my wall because I often forget I have a wall, and I kind of suck as a friend.

    If you are unhappy, just delete them and find new friends who have the same outlook on life and lifestyle change you have. Its really simple, you don't need to call your friends list out in the forums...
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I have a number of friends that have 1000+ days logged on. They know they're awesome. They don't need me to tell them so. They get an "you're awesome" on year marks (365 days, 730 days, 1,095 days, etc.) and when they DO something awesome like an epic workout or a really great eating day. Logging on really requires no effort. I can be in bed, eating a cookie and log on (and I have done it). So any comment to the amazing-ness of that act just reduces the validity of comments when they actually have an accomplishment. /two cents.
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