Carb overload.. help!

jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
I am still a newbie here and still learning a lot, so be gentle with me :smile:

I am trying hard everyday to make better choices. I have been getting sick lately and have noticed that it is caused from dairy. Add this to my food allergies to anything with seeds or pits (fruit & veggie wise) and I feel so restricted in my eating.

I prefill my diary at the beginning of the day so I know what I am working with when I want to have an extra snack or something. Based on what I have planned for today, I have 500 calories left and 0 carbs to spare. I am at a loss. I need some creative ideas for low carb meals and snacks that fit into my dietary restrictions.


  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    Both low fat and low carb is kind of hard to swing imo, with that said most everything you'll find that a lot of low carb stuff is going to be high in fat, or not filling at all because it's a veggie lol...which isn't a bad thing, because fat is both delicious and filling lol.

    Have you tried pork skins for a snack (no carb, low cal)? They're honestly not that bad for you if you like that sort of thing. Pepperoni slices, cream cheese, well...Any kind of cheese really. You could also try flax recopies and such (flax crackers are awesome!)

    If you're looking for a lot of low carb snack ideas though, I'd check out the Keto boards, because they're all about low carbin it over there, so naturally they post a ton of snack ideas.

    Edit (sorry messed up a word)
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I do low carb. Some of my go-to meals include: Taco salad (lettuce, ground beef, cheese, tomatoes, and sourcream), chicken/steak fajitas (meat, fajita seasoning (I try to just do a half a packet, onions, and you'd have to leave out peppers), Bacon wrapped chicken breast, turkey or regular hamburgers with no bun (I add jalapenos or bacon to switch it up), and chicken caesar salad (no croutons obviously!).
    For snacks I munch on almonds (roasted, unsalted, and Blue Diamond makes some good flavor ones), celery with a low carb salad dressing, and I eat Atkins bars and shakes (but I'm not sure if those will work with your dietary restrictions). Jerky is also a good snack but it has alot of sodium and then I also eat hard boiled eggs for snacks.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Can't eat cheese. Aren't flax crackers full of carbs? I eat crunchmaster crackers sometimes that 5 different seeds, but they are still full of carbs.

    I am not a big meat person, I mostly eat chicken, ground turkey and fish.. occasionally eating pork or a nice steak, but do have some good quality (low sodium) beef jerky on my next grocery list.