protein and sugar intake in the negative

Looking for some support out there. I have been on a life style change since May 11, 2013. The only bad thing about my sugar and protein intake has been in the negatives. Is that a bad thing? My personal trainer told me to stay away from the sugar but I enjoy my Greek yogurts with the fruit Should I be worry about no weight loss because of this.

Thank you


  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    If you are trying to lose fat, as long as you are eating / exercising such that your daily intake is less than your daily expenditure, you will lose weight.

    That said, if you eat a diet rich in sugars and starches, you will be hungrier than if you eat a diet rich in proteins, fiber and fat. It is easier to eat a calorie deficit if you aren't hungry all the time, and thats where the low-carb movement comes in. Its not that you won't lose weight on a high carb diet, but rather that eating such a diet at a calorie deficit is very hard for many people to do.

    I wouldn't worry about a little bit of sugar coming from fruit, as long as you don't go overboard. Maybe set your macronutrient balance to something like 30:40:30 carb:protein:fat, or even something less carby.. whatever works for you, is what's right. Don't let anyone tell you what you're doing is wrong, if it's producing results that you can maintain.
  • KeyoriNyte
    KeyoriNyte Posts: 13
    Thank you darlin...... I need all the help I can get.:bigsmile:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Change the settings at to cover what you want to eat.