Negative Comments about weight loss.



  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Do NOT listen to those people! When I weighed 180 and talked about losing weight (still in the overweight range for my height) people would tell me, "Nooo you look fine!" Those people are just crazy/jealous/envious/etc. I've noticed that people try to drag you down when you're eating healthier and losing weight for some reason. I fight this battle every single day where, my boyfriend knows I'm trying to lose weight, but he'll ask me to eat fast food or ice cream every day. Some people are insane! Just keep doing "you" and doing what's best for YOU. You're the one who has to live in your body forever. Not them.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Oh this old chestnut,

    My mother in law is forever telling me that I am "wasting away" or that I "must eat". When I go to her house for dinner she tried to fill my plate and make me eat dessert.

    She is one of those old Jewish ladies that strive on feeding everyone up and her cooking is amazing which sometimes makes it hard to say no lol!

    I've learnt to ignore the negative comments, they may be out of concern as nobody truly knows what you are doing to your body apart from yourself. They may think you are starving yourself or that you are obsessive but they aren't in the same boat as you so they don't understand. These comments are probably coming from people who have never worked out a day in their lives!

    Ignore it, carry on with what you are doing and be proud of how far you have come!
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    People themselves are unhealthy and/or overweight, and you are reminder to them about that. You post that picture and they see it so they have to comment something bad to make themselves feel better. Not even consciously, most of the time it isn't, they may not even know that what they write makes you feel bad.

    Sometimes they convince themselves that it is unhealthy to do this just to have an excuse not to, cos they are too weak minded to get there. If anything you should be proud of yourself, not annoyed, when you see hate comments cos that means that they envy you.

    ditto all that.
  • workout_fish
    workout_fish Posts: 67 Member
    So, coming at that from another perspective, it may very well that your parents think you're not going to stop. I understand what everyone is saying here, but it's not always jealousy or insecurity that causes people to make such comments. I have a sister who is very health conscious and works very hard to maintain her current weight, but honestly, she does look a little thinner than I think looks good on her frame. It's none of my business, and I've not said anything to her directly about it, but she's gone from plump, to thin to ... too thin. And while you made not come across this way, my sister comes across as if looks are the only thing that matters. She doesn't ever bring up the health benefits of what she does (and honestly, I sometimes question whether there ARE health benefits to what she does), her only focus is the way she looks. I know my parents are concerned because it seems every time we see her, she's thinner than she was the last time.

    Recently, she's posted a couple of photos of herself on FB, and I can see the muscle definition that she has - which is not something I normally see on her because of the way she dresses. And I think, as long as she keeps the muscle, she's probably just fine. Realize, however, my sister is 5'5" and probably about 130 lbs, but has such bad body dysmorphia that she would never be seen in a two piece bathing suit, or any sort of revealing clothing at all. She's also had minor issues with ED. All of that adds to the concern.

    The next time your parents ask you how much more you want to lose, or if you're going to stop, don't say something like, Just three more pounds. Instead just say, I'm pretty much done, and let it go at that.

    Ive never had issues with food, if anything i liked it too much...hence the need for me to lose weight. but ive never had an issue with not eating, so im not sure why my mother would assume thats what im doing. She defintetly has her own issues with food though, so maybe she is directing them towards me?

    I am defintely doing this for my health, thats what gave me the push to start this journey in the first place (high cholesterol test scared me into getting healthy). Although i will admit that looking good in a bikini has been a great side effect.:laugh:

    thanks everyone for your advice/responses. I guess i should just take these things in stride and keep on keepin on!:glasses:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Being overweight and/or obese is the norm...people aren't really used to seeing other people at a healthy BF% and healthy weight...looking all fit and what not. A lot of people also think that getting there is unattainable unless you are doing something dangerous like severely under-eating or whatever. Also, most people have no clue when it comes to proper nutrition...if they actually knew and understood what they were putting into their bodies and what that was doing to their bodies they would probably be appalled at themselves (I know I was). People simply lack dedication and severely lack knowledge when it comes to proper nutrition.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Sometimes people are saying it because they are genuinely worried and don't have a proper grasp of what "unhealthily skinny" really is. Sometimes I say to people "I'd have to drop another 40lbs to be considered underweight" - that usually shuts them up. Use BMI to your advantage. :)
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I honestly think alot of people just get this idea in their head that if you aren't "gorging" yourself at every turn you have some kind of "problem".

    I tend to tell these people to "Mind their own business".
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I completely get where your coming from!! I am experiencing the same thing from my family. It has started to slow down a bit tho, as they get used to seeing me this way, AND seeing that I DO EAT, lol, when we are at family functions with I'm pretty sure that my 85 year old mother in law still thinks I'm anorexic tho, lol. I work in a very busy salon and I have a lot of clients and they have all been very positive , and that helps! It seems only the friends/family are the ones with the the negative comments. Strange. I guess it's just the families weird way of showing love? ha ha. I just remind them that I'm getting healthy and fit, and that I'm just now into a healthy BMI range, and my doctor says I'm doing great. :)
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    well there really is no polite way to say how you feel lol just be a complete meany it is necessary to be that way for some people cuz they just don't get it. I am sorry they are basically picking on you for losing weight and looking great. they are probably just jealous. You are doing great good luck on the extra 3lbs.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Just say "Thanks, I'll take that as a complement". Or you could say "Thanks, I'll take that as a complement, Fatty". Either way they'll get the point! Your life is your own!
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    They probably envy you, are jealous of you, and secretly want to be more like you. But since they can't or won't put in the work, they try to get you to become more like them.

    If they're over weight and are encouraging you to eat more, maybe turn the table on them and encourage them to put down the food and exercise more to become healthy.
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    I'm with you OP, my grandmom is the worst. She's always telling me I'm so skinny and asking if I eat while she gives me this concerned look. It's really annoying that people doubt you can lose weight without starving yourself. People at work have also asked me if I'm eating and then made little comments while I'm eating my salad and fruit for lunch like there's something wrong with me for eating healthy...meanwhile they go stuff their face with McDonalds 5 days a week. They are just jealous!!
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    Almost everyone in my family is overweight or obese (myself included - [but not for too much longer!]) and my brother was pretty chubby up until middle school. Then he joined the cross country team and grew a foot taller, etc. and since then has been very slim. My whole family used to always pick on him for being too skinny (even though his doctor confirmed he was on the lower end of the healthy weight range for his age and height) and I could tell it really bothered him. I finally lost my **** one day and said to a couple of them something like - You all need to stop picking on him for being the only person in this family who is a healthy weight! He doesn't make fun of any of you for being fat so I don't know why you think it's okay to make fun of him for being skinny!

    Hang in there - people can be rude. I think it's just visually shocking to see someone who used to be overweight now be healthy. It doesn't compute in the brain properly and people think OMG you're dying. lol
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i overheard a girl the other day saying that i should eat a burger.
    haters gonna hate, don't pay attention to them
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Turn the negative feelings about the comments, into positive feelings! :)

    Maybe consider them saying those things to you because you're clearly doing a good job, and it's showing - not that they're trying to bring you down.

    People are noticing the weight, and instead of falling all over you with compliments and stuff - they're just casually saying, "ooooOoh girl you gonna blow away in the next big wind if you don't eat something!" - as their way of saying "wow I am so jealous you are doing so good! I'm impressed!"

    maybe for fun, when they speak to you saying those things - think of it in an old southern, scarlet o'hara "Gone with the Wind" type of charming accent. Just for laughs lol.

    I would consider it complimenting because at this point....folks be beggin me to STOP eating lol.

    Have a great week - and eat something why don'tcha!?
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Being overweight and/or obese is the norm...people aren't really used to seeing other people at a healthy BF% and healthy weight...looking all fit and what not. A lot of people also think that getting there is unattainable unless you are doing something dangerous like severely under-eating or whatever. Also, most people have no clue when it comes to proper nutrition...if they actually knew and understood what they were putting into their bodies and what that was doing to their bodies they would probably be appalled at themselves (I know I was). People simply lack dedication and severely lack knowledge when it comes to proper nutrition.

    All this! It's hard for people to accept and understand. AND people hate change, period. they will get used to you. :)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    girl, forget them. You are doing this for you and you are gorgeous!!
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    the thing that really pisses me off about weight loss, is that people are beginning to associate overweight with the norm. for my personal size, I should weigh ~110-120lbs. if I even MENTION that weight to my mother, all hell breaks loose. everyone is so used to seeing semi-overweight people that when you see someone who's actually a good weight, they immediately associate it with anorexia. ignore all the haters. if your doctor is okay with your weight, then everyone else can buzz off.
  • cma17
    cma17 Posts: 56 Member

    Also, sometimes people get used to you being heavier, so that when you lose weight they think you're now too thin. They think that someone is too small or has gotten sickly, or that he or she has a bigger build and shouldn't look like that, etc. They only have this view because they knew you as bigger. If you just met someone, they would assume you'd always been that way and would think you looked fine. Try not to worry about it because people are always going to say off the wall things.

    This is so true my bf said to me when I started : You have to stop, your getting to thin, only 68 and no lighter! now he has had a chance to adapt and knows my goals he is the opposite and super supportive.