welp, my juicer broke on day #1 of my juice fast

It's a cheaper model, apparently, but I've been using it on and off again the last few months and I never had a problem. I went to seriously use it today and who knew spinach could be so deadly? The leaves basically fried the entire machine and ruined any hopes I had that I'd be able to start a 30 day juice fast today.
So now I'm prowling around amazon eating peanut butter and feeling a bit sorry for myself, lol, while my kitchen is covered in spinach leaves, ground up pulp like spinach, and juicer parts with the faint smell of smoke.
I could use a bit of motivation right now.


  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    eat your fruits and veggies its WAY more fun.
    also ur sposed to let those machines cool down
    if u still have the receipt return it, manufactures garauntee <-cant spell
  • beanmi73
    beanmi73 Posts: 9 Member
    Awww, that sucks! I know you probably don't want to spend too much, but the Jack LaLane juicer is really good (albeit loud). Good luck with your fast.
  • Courtney_Pool
    I've done almost 200 days of juice cleansing -- they're amazing! Get another juicer and go for it again!
  • alicecussler7
    Don't use Jack Lalanne or any other centrifugal type of juicer for spinach or any leafy greens because you will waste most of the valuable juice and fiber. These type of juicers when you try to juice green leafs will produce a lot of heat that will damage juice and juicer itself, the result you already have. However, Spinach and other leafy greens will juice extremely well in masticating-style juicer like the Omega 8006 model. You can find more information here: http://juicerreviewspro.com/
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    yes eat them
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    It was telling you that your idea for a 30 day juice fast is stupid and that you should eat the fruits & veggies plus some fats & proteins so you're actually healthy and so you don't lose lean mass.