This is why I sometimes hate the fitness industry and my pee



  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I prefer to listen to my doctor regarding any questions about my health, including nutrition. I remember posting that one day and someone replied that doctors don't know anything about nutrition.

    I think there's a lot of people in every industry who don't belong there. You always have to have a filter on and know who the source of information is.

    I agree with this. I think in general (and I'm a little biased haha) that a dietitian is more likely to give you accurate advice about nutrition than a doctor but there are definitely doctors that know a great deal about nutrition and there are also some that know very little and unfortunately still give patients their opinions.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I clicked on it for the "pee" too!!! That is too funny!!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    This is my opinion whenever anyone starts talking about cleanses, purges, etc:

    If something starts sounding weird, do a quick google search. It costs nothing and could save you a ton of cash on whatever the snake oil is that some people stand behind.

    PS: Azdak, I appreciate that your posts are usually based on medical knowledge or experience; its kind of scary some of the things that get touted in the fitness community.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member

    *Just as an FYI, registered dietitians (RD) have a minimum of a bachelors degree (and many of us have advanced degrees),complete a year long internship, pass an exam, and participate in continuing education hours. I'm from WI so we have certification but we're lobbying hard to get licensure like many other states. The label "nutritionist" means absolutely nothing in our state and anyone can call themselves that without any credentials.

    Yup....that happens in CA with athletic trainers. You can say your an "athletic trainer" in CA and you can be hired with no knowledge at all of what you're doing. It's kind of annoying that I had to go get my BA, spend 1500 hours interning, sit for an all day three part national exam and have to do 75 continuing education credits every year when anyone can say oh I'm that too. I wish CA would get on board with the whole licensure thing like many other states have.:grumble: :grumble:

    AND on top of that my job always gets confused with a personal trainer.........2 TOTALLY different jobs. :noway:

    PS......I came here for the pee also.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I'd better get busy if I have to drink 70 pounds of water!
    At roughly 8.35lbs/gal.... yikes.... :noway: :laugh:
    Yeah, if I had to do that, I'd hate my pee too!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    hehe I too was interested by the hating pee!

    I'm curious, what did people think it might have been referring to?

    Giving the reference to the fitness industry, my only guess was either related to dehydrated or kidney failure caused by too much protein hahaha
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    hehe I too was interested by the hating pee!

    I'm curious, what did people think it might have been referring to?

    Giving the reference to the fitness industry, my only guess was either related to dehydrated or kidney failure caused by too much protein hahaha
    Believe it or not, I assumed it was "peers" and just got cut off. I'm a copy editor, though, so I'm pretty used to reading people's minds and translating what they said into what they meant to say.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    As I was reading your blog, I found it interesting but was wondering when I would find out why you hate your pee. So glad you clarified. :laugh:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Also here for the pee.

    I don't hate my pee, in case anyone is interested.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    :wink: but jumping DOES free up cells:tongue:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I prefer to listen to my doctor regarding any questions about my health, including nutrition. I remember posting that one day and someone replied that doctors don't know anything about nutrition.

    I think there's a lot of people in every industry who don't belong there. You always have to have a filter on and know who the source of information is.

    I agree with this. I think in general (and I'm a little biased haha) that a dietitian is more likely to give you accurate advice about nutrition than a doctor but there are definitely doctors that know a great deal about nutrition and there are also some that know very little and unfortunately still give patients their opinions.
    Not knowing a great deal doesn't stop lots of people from giving their opinions. (MFP is a great example of that; however, there are lots of very knowledgeable people here too.) Doctors are just people too. Some are amazing, and some are medicore at best, which can be downright scary sometimes.
  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    The pee totally intrigued me and drew me in. Maybe I should throw some random, bizarre thing into my posts to get people to read them :p

    Anyway, I used to work for "The Vitamin Shop" and you'd be amazed at the kind of things people in there would say/ask/buy. People think that pretty much every weight, health, emotional, chemical, bacterial, etc problem is directly related to your colon and the only solution is to get regular enemas and blow it out with a bazillion grams of psyllium husk every day. Disturbing. Also, things like the "48-hour miracle diet" (which boasts up to 10lb of weight loss in two days) are just a great example of how stupid and gullible people can be.

    All this reminds me of the "South Bronx Parasite" diet on "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." Parasites: they'll eat your calories right out of you! Get on this diet now and be the envy of your peers!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Countless hours, 900+ posts.....and THIS is what I'll be remembered for......<sigh> :cry:

    (anyone who really knows me, also knows this is karmic justice--in spades)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    "You know Azdak?"

    "I think so. Isn't he the pee guy?"
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I hate to pee. Especially when I was drinking water to be "healthy". Drank close to a gallon/day b/c I was exercising allot and it was a pain to have to get up and pee so often. lol ;)

    On the actual topic though. Yeah it's pretty ridiculous, all about the $$ though, both my parents are medical doctors, my brother's a pain medicine/physical medicine rehab specialist (md also) and they complain allot about all this BS that's served a great disservice to the public health of the masses. I agree that allot of this bull should be straight out banned as it is based on misrepresentation and lies, I'm sure many people have been harmed tremendously due to nonsense remarks made by snake-oil salesmen trying to make a buck.

    My favorite on the "clense" issue is when I heard on the radio an ad mentioning that "toxins" collect in your colon and build up like "spackle", as if we've got some primitive passive flow ceramic piping down there that needs regular cleanup or it'll get clogged.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I was curious about the pee too. :laugh: Now I have to get busy drinking around 80 pounds of water. :tongue: Azdak the pee hater guy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey! Didn't you know that when you jump up and down the mitochondria in the cells "wake up" and open their little mouths and scream "FEED ME! FEED ME!" That is what is meant when the "enzyme councelor" said the cells open up when you jump up and down!

    Part of my family harvests blue algae off a lake here in Oregon and has a full line of enzymes for digestion, etc. that they sell on the internet and other places. Some, well a lot, of it I don't buy into. Especially in regards to how cleanses can help you lose weight, etc. I don't like anything marketed like that to help you lose weight. It is only temporary at best. Sure they are going to help you lose weight...water weight...and if you keep at it long enough muscle weight and other bodily nutrients that are vital to your body functioning properly. I've seen them do it. Not pretty.

    My family has some sort of issue with digesting meat properly, so the whole thing started off with them in the Mayo clinic trying to find out what was making them so sick all the time. Now at 33, after laughing at them for being on a very strict raw food diet for years, plus the enzymes, etc. I too find myself having some of the same issues. So I take the digestive enzymes and they do help. Go figure.

    I digress a bit here I point is, because of who I'm related to, I've been exposed to all sorts of crazys out there pushing their enzymatic (I bet I just made up a word!) cleansing products. As if they were a fix-all product for all our ailments and woes. But I have got to say, the whole jumping up and down thing to make those cells open up? OMFG. LMAO! I am so calling my cousin to see what she thinks! LOL..
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    I feel that the fitness industry REALLY targets people like me! And while I've managed to shed about 45 pounds so far just by moving my body more and eating less (and better foods, generally.

    I wish more people would realize this.

    Thanks in part to advice of good people here and some hard work, I've now lost enough weight that people are asking *me* for advice and how to get it done. What I always tell them is that they will only be able to do it if they are completely honest with themselves and take NO SHORTCUTS. And even though these are some of the smartest and hardest working people I know, they still get suckered by cleanses, gimmick diets, supplements, and faux exercise routines. We live in an environment where there's too much profiteering getting in the way of people's health.

    I wish I had real access to real experts who could work with me to better plan my diet and exercise regimen. For now, I rely on my doctor, who is more interested in fixing me when I'm hurt. He's quite good at that, but not as good for helping me get healthier. And unfortunately, health insurance does not help me get to these type of people without going through a gatekeeper, even though a healthier me would save them some money in the long run! I'd love to go out of pocket to get to some of these folks, but need to figure out where my limited money is best spent.

    So for now, I suppose I've come to the same conclusion as a lot of people here - you have to do your own research, listen to your body, and become your own health expert. Thanks again to Adzak and the MANY others who regularly contribute here. You help make that possible!

    PS - I guess we all know how to get your thread read now, just put "my pee" in the Topic title!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I DID originally come in here to see what was up with the pee...

    ...but I do agree with Azdak's original post...
    there is enough bullsh!t out there to fertilize ten farms...