Anybody start a family in their mid 30's



  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I had my children at 31 and 34. My ex-husband (father of said children) remarried and his wife had their 2nd child at age 37.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I was a "late bloomer". My husband and I were 35 when we got married, and 39 when our daughter was born (surprise!). I had a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby. I sort of regret waiting so long, because after I had her, I hit menopause and couldn't have any more. I was so lucky to have her! I think it's great to be a later-in-life parent. I have so much more patience than I did when I was in my 20's. Plus, I'm 43 years old and I get to play on the playground!

    So, it's never too late...unless you hit early menopause. :mad:
  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    I was 33 when I got pregnant, healthy kiddo. But my doctor monitored me closely due to family history. I lost weight my entire pregnancy because all I craved was fresh fruit so I worked until the day before he was born(I work at a power plant, highly active). I came out of the hospital in less then 24 hours, 32 pounds lighter then when I got pregnant, with an 8lb. 1oz healthy baby boy! I was 262lbs when I got pregnant!
  • Blessedprincess
    Glad you posted this. I wonder about this all the time. Thanks everyone for sharing.

    I've been married for over 11 years and still get asked when are we going to have kids.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I had two kids, one at 38 and one at 39. No complications. Yes, at 30, everybody stopped telling me that "you have time" and started asking "when"

    The answer I used is "My husband and I plan to start a family when we are ready."

    I actually said this to my boss WHILE I was 6 weeks pregnant because I wasn't ready to tell anybody yet :)
  • ddarold
    ddarold Posts: 15 Member
    I was 33 and 36 with my boys. I felt my healthiest when I was pregnant because I was watching what I was eating more carefully. No lunch meat, no hot dogs, tried to avoid nitrates and preservatives as much as possible. When I was pregnant with #2 I was losing weight because I was working out. Best wishes and luck to you:smile:
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I have PCOS and had trouble conceiving. We had our first when I was 24, and then our second at 31 (he's 4 months old now). We tried for number two, since our oldest (now 7) was 10 months old. My Dr's pretty much told me that it wasn't possible. I was 240lbs, and very unhealthy. I found MFP, and within a year I had dropped 65lbs by watching my calories. Low and behold, my cycle came back regular, and SURPRISE, baby #2 was on his way!

    Loosing weight before baby will only help matters, and make the pregnancy less complicated.

    While being pregnant in my 30's was a little harder on me that in my 20's, it didn't slow me down. I am constantly busy, and on the go. No one will know if there will be any complications or not, no matter what your age. I say,l just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

    God Bless you on your journey!
  • TangledUp_InBlue
    TangledUp_InBlue Posts: 397 Member
    I didn’t get married until I was 38 and my wife was 36. We had our son in 2005 when I was 41 and she was 38. Having a little guy around motivated me to lose weight (not initially, but lately), so I could do stuff with him and not be a dad who sat around all day. It kind of odd at school events looking at the other parents in their 20’s and 30’s and I’m sitting there at 48 with a 7 year old…but it’s well worth it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    We had our kids in our beginning 30's. No issues physically and I think, at least for me, I was more mentally ready being later in life.

    Yeah, I look back at it now and I'm greatful that I was older because i don't know if I would have been a good dad when I was younger. It's a tough, but rewarding job do be a Dad and a husband.

    Definite benefits to being an older parent, I agree.

    And I am also glad I waited, because I was sooooo selfish in my 20s!! I was also married to an emotional and mental abuser back then, so doubly glad I didn't have kids with him...
  • K3Daw
    K3Daw Posts: 9
    Absolutely! I was 33 when my son was born and my husband was 40. A year and four days later, our twin daughters were born. I didn't have a grand scheme in mind when planning for a family, it is what it is, but I feel very fortunate to have had the freedom to live life and make mistakes in my twenties and then buckle down and get serious in my 30 when it came to motherhood and children. I feel I am a much better mother in my 30's than I would have been in my 20's, but that's my opinion.

    My body did not "Bounce" back as I would have liked it to but nor did I make it the priority I should have. I'm content in that I will not have the level of sex appeal I did at the age of 24 because I'm a mother now and frankly, I don't think it appropriate to look like a 24 year old. I'll settle for being a MILF but the important thing is being a Mother.
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    This is a positive thread! I am 34 and getting married in Sept (will be 35 in Oct!) and my husband-to-be and I plan to start trying right away. I have a great fear I am too old, but this has made me feel better :)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I had my only child just before I turned 35. Personally, I do not think people should intentionally wait until they are older and assume that they will have no problem conceiving, because sometimes they do. Having children when young has many benefits. Yet, a child needs a happy, loving, stable environment and sometimes that comes with being older. However, there is no need to fear having a child in your mid 30s. I know that my health "professionals" labelled me a "high risk" pregnancy because of it and were prone to recommend unnecessary testing (some of which increase the odds of spontaneous abortion!) and procedures. So, get pregnant, have a healthy lifestyle based on unprocessed, nutrient dense food (fat is needed!) and don't blindly trust your doctor. Less poking, prodding, ultrasounds, etc is safer for the baby.
  • summery79
    summery79 Posts: 116 Member
    Practically everyone in my town has their kids in their 30s! I was 23 and hubs was 26 when we had our son, we are the freaks. Seriously, I do not have a single friend who is my age who has a child who is my son's age. Almost everyone is at least 5, usually closer to 10 yrs older. Depending on where you live, at 34 and 41 with a new baby, you will fit right in.
  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    I think starting a family at the age is great for the most part y'all should be career folks and I'm sure you'll have a lot of patients
  • see_turtle
    see_turtle Posts: 19 Member
    Great thread! It is great to read about so many positive experiences! I am about to be 30 and my husband and I feel quite far from being ready to try for a child ( just want one)...I'm think we may be 33/34ish before we start trying because we need to be in a better finacial situation and we are both trying to get healthy. This thread has made me feel so much better!
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member

    I am just sick and tired of people asking "so when are you going to have kids" I tried being polite, but my husband's uncle kept asking so I finally said no of your damn business.

    Just had to vent a little and see if there are any others out there......

    My husband's uncle was like this, too. I was sorely, sorely tempted to tell him "Oh man, we're TOTALLY trying, but we JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT how to have sex! Like, does the penis have to go all the way in? And it goes in your *kitten*, right? Maybe we could show you what we're doing so you can give us some tips!"

    But I figured I'd be a good wife and not an a**hole. ;)
  • Susan0279
    Susan0279 Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you all for your posts, I didn't think that I was the only one, but there are alot more that I expected. I am glad that we have time together as a couple before kids. I am sort of glad we waited I do agree that I am more mature now;so is he; I think :)

    Thanks again for all your input :happy:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Had my first boy when I was 35; boy number 2 when I was 37. It's awesome...except for the no sleep part.

    Personally, I'm glad I waited as long as I did before starting a family. We didn't have to go through a lot of the problems that young families go through...we were both well along and secure in our careers and financially stable. We also did a lot of cool **** in our 20s and 30s that a lot of people have to wait to do until they are in their 40s and 50s.
  • carmencc26
    carmencc26 Posts: 10
    I had my daughter when I was 18. I was NOT ready but I had to learn. It was tough, not health or pregnancy wise but being a kid having a kid. I went on to college etc. got married when I was 30 and had my beautiful son at 31. He is now 13 months old, beautiful and healthy. I on the other hand I had a rough pregnancy, went from 135 to 210 lbs. Had colistasis, and had to be induced 4 weeks early. I am still 20 lbs over my initial weight and it has been rough taking it off. With my daughter it just came off right away. One month later you couldn't even tell i just had a baby. But one thing I can tell you is that having a baby now is more enjoyable because you have more patience.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Don't have kids unless you want them, B U T, the longer you wait, the harder it may be.
    I have several relatives that waited too long and when they tried, their bodies just were not as fertile as they needed to be.