Stuck :-(

Hey Everyone,
So I've been using MFP for about 3 months now and it has been going great. I live in NYC and work retail so I do a lot of walking and therefore don't have an exercise log but the food log has been a tremendous help so far.
For my height I should land between 125-135 lbs so my goal is 130 but for the past three weeks I've been stuck at 140 lbs. I am not doing anything differently than I have and I'm not gaining weight (which is good) but those last 10 lbs are so frustrating!
My body type is on the curvier side so I'm wondering if maybe my body is telling me 140 is healthy for me. Or maybe now that I'm down closer to my target weight I need to do more traditional exercise to kill the remaining fat?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member

    Trust me, I sooooooooo kno how you feel. I have been trying to loose the last 10-20 pounds for a year now. I am in no way qualified to give advice, but maybe you should try adding excercise into your routine. Maybe a little cardio and some light strength training will help you blast those last few pounds away!

    If your happy with 140 though, and your in your correct BMI, than maybe that is where you are supposed to be. As long as your healthy and happy everything should be all good.

    Being stuck is extremely frustrating! Hang in there! I know we can both meet our fitness goals!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    Increasing your exercise could help. Did you update your info under your goals, if you haven't recently then you should because it may reduce your calories and that might be why you are stuck. (that is what happened to me and I adjusted and now I am losing again) Here's hoping you're unstuck soon!!:bigsmile:
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    The last 10 are really painful because your body wants to store some fat for a rainy day so it will fight like hell to keep it on you.

    I had to really ramp up my cardio work to get through the last 10 and it took me 3 months to do it. Pretty much everyone who has hit the last 10 has found the weight loss wasn't easy.

    Just hang in there and don't give up, it will come off but it will take time and a lot of trial and error to find the right exercise/calorie ratio.
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    The last 10 are really painful because your body wants to store some fat for a rainy day so it will fight like hell to keep it on you.

    I had to really ramp up my cardio work to get through the last 10 and it took me 3 months to do it. Pretty much everyone who has hit the last 10 has found the weight loss wasn't easy.

    Just hang in there and don't give up, it will come off but it will take time and a lot of trial and error to find the right exercise/calorie ratio.

    SO true! I have been working to find the right balance for the past 6 months1 I am experimenting with some new things and hopefully I will be able to do it this go around! Good luck to you!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    What do you mean update info under goals?

    Thanks so much for all the advice and especially for the encouragment. You guys rock!