Easily Discouraged

I am 28 and have about 10-15 lbs to lose. I've slowly gained 12 lbs over the past two years.

When I was younger (just like everyone else) it was so easy to drop 5+ lbs with just a few weeks of work. Obviously, the older I get, the harder is it to lose anything. I find myself getting easily discouraged when I don't see weight loss each week and quick progress. I know this is a poor mentality and it takes time and hard work to see results/progress. I have been repeating a mantra over and over to myself the past week or so to try to break it "Patience, persistance and hard work" but I am still haveing trouble warding of feelings of discouragement. Then I get to a low point and think 'screw it, I'll weigh the same no matter what' then self sabotage and pig out for a week or so until I feel like garbage.

This time I am really determined to break this horrible cycle and get my head in the right place. I know it should be more about adopting a healthier lifestyle and being consistent with it. Does anyone have any tips or advice on working on this?

Thanks :)


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    it's mind game with ourselves. Just keep positive self-talking and eventually you will not have to work so hard to remind yourself that you can do it and why you want to.
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I always tell myself, I wouldn't cheat on my spouse-I won't cheat on my diet.
    Because it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle that you're making... one that should be just as important (yourself being healthy) as keeping a healthy relationship. It's helped me when I'm trying to decide if it's worth it or not.

    Don't tell yourself you can't have something. You just can't have ALL of that chocolate, beer, ice cream. Have enough to satisfy and put it away :)
  • clairelouwade
    clairelouwade Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 27 and have found that the weight loss isn't as consistent week-to-week as it was when I did slimming world back in 2009. I had a six week period of not losing recently but just kept on with it and have had good losses over the last couple of weeks.

    My only advice would be to stick with it and log even if you have a bad day. I had one not long ago and counted 2450 calories, what was more shocking is realising that at my peak weight I must have been consuming 4000 on some days (McDonalds, Thorntons chocolate, box, share bag of crisps etc etc)

    I taped a photo of Jessica Ennis to my fridge as well which has made me think twice sometimes!

  • K_Mcfadden321
    Thanks ladies. It really is a mental game and positive tihnking and persistance is a must.

    I love the idea of considering it a 'committment' to yourself in terms of a relationship and not cheating. I am definitely going to use that!