Endorphins and exercise...

lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
Does anyone else ever have a day when it just feels so tiring to attempt a fitness routine you've done many times before with great zeal? That's how today was for me. I had to force myself to lift that weight one more time...I kept pretending I was in the military (never been there) and HAD to keep going. I kept praying for that rush of feel-good brain chemicals to flood over me (I have a loved one who is an opiate addict, so I know a little about how brain chemistry works). And then, there it was, that yummy warm flush of endorphins and dopamines flooding my brain, motivating me to keep working this machine called my body. What an interesting natural high to experience that and then to know you've done something great for your body. I've never experienced this before; it's pretty darn cool!
