Sugar vs Glycemic index

Okay, I think I have been researching too much and have an overload of info. Should I be more concerned with the amount to sugar in food or the glycemic index # of the food? I'm not on Atkins or South Beach so I'm not restricting all of my carbs, so which one should I be paying closer attention to???


  • tbear358
    tbear358 Posts: 41 Member
    Well both are related and there's no easy way to know the GI number for each food. So I would say try to watch your sugar intake. On MFP, they have 25g of sugar as the recommended daily intake. I try to go no more than double this. I eat lots of fruits and veggies so a lot of it is natural sugar (which is digested by your body and does not make your blood sugar spike as badly). So I guess a more correct response would be to watch your intake of processed sugar.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    They actually go hand in hand. Personally, I avoid refined sugar period. Sugar in fruits I consider ok as long as I eat some protein with it to balance. (Fruit and cheese is awesome for a snack). I also try to stick to the lower glycemic fruits and veggies but do indulge occasionally just in smaller amounts. Food I've been definitely avoiding- corn. Haven't had corn in I don't know how long. Oh, and potatoes (white). Sweet potatoes are awesome. Much lower GI. For what it's worth that's my 2 cents worth.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Well both are related and there's no easy way to know the GI number for each food. So I would say try to watch your sugar intake. On MFP, they have 25g of sugar as the recommended daily intake. I try to go no more than double this. I eat lots of fruits and veggies so a lot of it is natural sugar (which is digested by your body and does not make your blood sugar spike as badly). So I guess a more correct response would be to watch your intake of processed sugar.

    Some fruits can spike your blood sugar just like processed table sugar - even in a normal and healthy human being.

    Getting familiar with the GI numbers of foods helps you to determine which foods are "better" for you.

    You don't have to be on Atkins, South Beach or any other plan to watch the GI Load of foods on your body.

    The better you know your body, the better choices you will make in regards to food.
  • ydavyd
    ydavyd Posts: 15 Member
    I was concerned about GI way before (in the old days:) ). Back then I didn't bother eating refined sugars and I exercised, needless to say I was young!!!! Now days, if I could stay away from cakes, cookies, candies....ect I achieved a lot. I truly believe I have a sugar addiction and if I could abstain from sugars I usually have a good day.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    My problem is, if I look my grams of sugar for the day, I'm WAY over, but if I look at GI# they are very low. So in one aspect I'm not doing well staying within my goals, but the other I'm doing good. I guess time will tell, if I lose weight and feel healthy than it's all good.