introduce your self

hello, i am new here
first of all i need motivation and support to keep on diet so feel free to add me
also i want to tell what to eat in order to lose 5 kg in one month
which foods i am not allowed to eat and which i am
-give me some tips if you can
-also what kind of excersise to get a flat stomach?


    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    1_ welcome! it's great to have you!
    2_lose the word "diet" - bad connotation for your "new" mindset
    3_choose your foods carefully - well balanced, there is no special foods, just natural foods
    4_search the posts - there are so many good tips and lots of advice for almost any questions you may have. But be careful and don't take anyone's word for a bible. Do your research and learn what fits best for you.
    5_flat stomach = diet and cardio and all sorts of work. But your body isn't going to respond to a Tide Stick treatment to remove a stain - work on ALL your body and ALL your body will respond.
    Again - welcome, feel free to add me!
    Oh, and open your diary if it isn't so people can give advice on your foods. :)
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    hey! welcome :D okay well first some basics

    - you can technically eat what you want but must stay in your calorie limits. to find this, take your TDEE (total daily expenditure- how much your body burns a day) and subtract 20%. This is how much you will eat a day. Although you can "technically" eat what you want, eating non-processed foods will be the best and the healthiest. You want to keep your protein levels high, because since you are at a deficit your body is going to want to burn muscle which is the costliest thing for it to maintain. You dont want to burn muscle, you want to burn FAT.

    along that line...

    - There are no excercises to get a flat stomach, you need to lower your overall body fat to do that. You cant lose fat in specific places unfortunately. A good way to lose fat and not muscle is to incorporate STRENGTH TRAINING in your workout routine.

    This is actually really important, dont turn to pure cardio (as in running every day) because that will eat up your muscle and make you "skinny fat" (meaning you lost weight but not fat) To get lean, do 2-3 days of strength training a week (either at the gym, or at home by doing pushup variations, situps, planks, squats, etc).

    - To maximize fat loss, include some HIIT (high intensity interval training.) HIIT is a very effective kind of workout. Basically, as the name implies, you push yourself to your max for a short amount of time, take a short break, then repeat. This is effective because it will get your heart rate up and have you working at your maximum, meaning that you workout for less time.

    ^this youtube channel has a bunch of great at home workouts and HIIT routines :) no gym needed!

    - DONT overtrain, and DONT undereat. Its tempting to do this, thinking that you will lose weight faster. You wont. You will mess up your bodies metabolism, and cause yourself more harm. Any weight you do lose in a unhealthy way will either be muscle mass (leaving you skinny fat and weak) OR you will regain right away, because eventually your body will no longer be able to handle such low amounts of food, meaning that you will likely binge. Since your metabolism will be messed up , binges will cause you to gain weight fast.

    Seriously, avoid yourself all of this pain (i went through it myself- not fun) and take your time. this is not a race, its a lifestyle change, and so you need to be patient and consistent :)

    So there you have it, in conclusion,

    -Strength training
    -protein (i suggest 1 gram per pound of body mass (or 2 grams per kilo)
    -TDEE-20% for your calorie level
    -Un-processed foods