scared not doing it right



  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    We get it. You want her to have a cheat day. Can some other people post questions or opinions without you coming back and making it all about your cheat day?

    Questions, yes, opinions, no. A dieter doesn't need opinions, but knowledge backed by science.

    Lol. Let me guess, no matter the question, the answer will always be.....surprise, a cheat day!!! Way to ruin this poor woman's post.
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107

    So your saying, I'm only losing cause I have a lot to lose, has nothing to do with eating at a deficit and working my butt off with cardio and weights. Guess I'll just throw a cheat day in and stop working out since you have it all figured out.

    Now OP what I have found what works for me right now is eating between 1400-1600 calories, measuring and logging everything, and getting off my butt.

    The deficit works, the cardio and weights work, but nutrition is 80% of weight loss and exercise is 20%. The cheat day is just to make sure you burn fat at 100% speed. Instead of losing say 1 pound per week, you could lose 2 or more, just by using this little trick. You don't have to, not forcing anyone, but I'm also not letting anyone call this scientically backed method an opinion. It works. And it's easy. You don't have to think so much, thus relieving mental stress.
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107

    Lol. Let me guess, no matter the question, the answer will always be.....surprise, a cheat day!!! Way to ruin this poor woman's post.

    She can do it without the cheat day if she wants, but after the first week, she will only lose 50% of the fat she can. Leptin cuts off your fat loss hormones even if u only slightly reduce your calories for 7 days.

    Why poor woman. Seems like I'm the only one who offered a piece of advice that's easy and works for beginners and advanced dieters alike without any calculation necessary. Not to mention one that's not based on opinion or "what works for me".
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    Are you doing any workout program? Use the Mifflin formula to calculate your needed calorie intake and remove 500 calories to lose 1 pound per week. You need to eat enough so you don't slow down your metabolism.

    That's why I recommended a cheat day. It resets the metabolism so she can continue her diet uninterrupted until she reaches her goal.

    We get it. You want her to have a cheat day. Can some other people post questions or opinions without you coming back and making it all about your cheat day?

    Apparently not .....:huh:
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member

    Well been doing this since January and haven't had a cheat day yet, and have still lost 50 lbs. How can you cheat on a lifestyle change, that's like cheating on my marriage. If I want something I eat it and I make sure I budget for it. No reason to cheat.

    The amount of fat you are trying to lose is rather large, so a 50% loss in fat loss speed has not made itself noticeable to you yet, but it will :-)

    So your saying, I'm only losing cause I have a lot to lose, has nothing to do with eating at a deficit and working my butt off with cardio and weights....

    While I'm sure your success has a great deal with your efforts, yea, I'm in agreement that those with more to lose tend to lose faster (at least to start).
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    I am trying to add exercise to this , would like to do more but i have arthritis in my knee and its slowly chipping at the bone , i need to build the muscles and do what i can handle right now as the dr put it
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member

    Lol. Go check the library on Leptin. This is a scientifically proven fact backed by research. Not an opinion. An opinion is something you believe... that cannot be right or wrong. Like person A is uglier than person B. This is an opinion. If you don't believe the fact that I presented to you, you can at most, say that I am wrong (which is not true, but at least makes grammatical sense), but you can't call it an opinion lol.

    I said your "cheat day" is opinion, not Leptin. I know what Leptin is, I have researched it and know what the hormone is and does and how it's related to insulin resistance and how they have not had any successful research outcomes to prove it helps weightloss or obesity. I really don't care about this except telling someone they can eat whatever they want one day a week is ridiculous. You know how many calories I could eat in a day?? She also said she is not that active and is working on that, so again nothing to burn off those extra calories on a cheat day. Anyway, people are getting annoyed with this on her thread so I'm done. I'm glad cheat days work for you, you rock!
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107
    Exercise has great health benefits, but don't overdo it in the beginning. The only two exercises that are safe for you if your joints are weary are walking and swimming. Swimming is especially easy on the joints and builds up muscles.
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107
    That's incorrect, there is plenty of research proving its efficiency, Murphy.

    Here an article that is written by a practicing physician with sources:

    Also, even if you double your usual caloric intake on that one day, as long as the other 6 days are low carb and done perfectly with no slip ups, you will still lose weight very fast.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    That's incorrect, there is plenty of research proving its efficiency, Murphy.

    Here an article that is written by a practicing physician with sources:

    An internist, who wrote an article for Huffington Post is your scientific research source? Ok, now I know I'm done with this topic lol
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107
    Actually a body builder named Joel Marion was my source.

    I just found any old article with sources for your benefit, since I wasn't expecting you to go buy his book. The article I found for you quotes sources like the Harvard School of Medicine. That should be a reliable source the last time I checked?!

    Therefore, it doesn't matter who writes the article. As long as the sources are there, it's verifiable and reliable. And why not an internist? Maybe you should stop trying to pick an argument with someone who actually knows what he's talking about.